God's FB

God's Blog!

When we open a Facebook or blog account we're often careful not to reveal too much of ourselves because of security--there are many hackers or identity thieves out there who mean sure harm. And we're also careful about accepting friends. We'd rather not have strangers comment on our articles or blogs, so we limit comment access. Fact, most FB pages and groups screen incoming members by warning them about negative comments or criticism. I understand that. 

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash.

But with God it's different. Oh yeah, there's such thing as God's Facebook or God's Blog. It's in the spirit realms, not on cyberspace, but it somewhat looks similar. He also has to worry about security and abuse and identity theft and hacking. So he also exercises caution. So the Holy Spirit provides security checks. No one can enter His Kingdom if one's not born again, for instance.

But he doesn't care if some are able to sneak in awhile (some folks try to enter by climbing the fence instead of through the gate). He allows security breaches like that now and then, not because he's been had, but because he allows intruders to make a big fool of themselves, especially fools who think they're smart.
Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. [John 10]


In fact, he was crucified by those who wanted in through the fence and he didn't care. He even asked the Father to dismiss their case, if that were possible (he knew no forgiveness was possible without genuine repentance, but he asked anyway), knowing that fake branches who defy the Vine will not bear any fruit recognized by the Kingdom. Recognized by the world, yes, but not the Kingdom. 

It's like, yeah you may be inside FB in general because you have an account, but you can't get inside an FB group where you're not allowed because you can't abide by the rules. Something like that.

Thus, God's FB in general seems free for all by grace through faith, but strictures are in place. You may think you're in but you can't fool anyone genuinely of the Kingdom, not even if you invoke grace and faith while defying him. Everything's by grace through faith, yes, but God alone decides who really gets them and who doesn't. Some merely get around the outer fringes, like Judas Iscariot did. Some manage to get some access (access granted both to the good and bad), but God chooses those who'd share management and administration of his FB group.

Identity Theft

Identity thieves who steal God's personal details and use them to their advantage and personal glory are rampant in God's FB. They claim to be Christians but are not. They use God's Name, teachings, language, bible, and pretend they are God's. Some denominations and ministers hack from God's Facebook or God's blog (thinking they could) to get credentials and be recognized as ministers, but they don't get inside God's FB group. They can never be insiders.


Hackers are those who sneak into the system and download a lot of harmful things there called virus that add or subtract from God's pure teachings. Hackers are everywhere, teaching that there are no more miracles or signs and wonders, no more spiritual gifts (especially tongues), no more eternal security, no more holiness, no more this and that, that certain portions of Scripture are no longer applicable today, that you have to choose between believing in eternal security or conditional salvation, that you cannot do or say this and that.

Anyone who limits or dismisses what God says in the bible is a hacker.  

Hackers are also fond of adding silly things which they treat as vital and indispensable, like having church buildings, denominations, worship programs, church activities, prayer formulas, what a prayer and worship should be, etc. They put a lot of limits to what a believer can believe or do by inventing "systematic" sets of beliefs. They are superstitious. They have also cleverly added the celebrations of "Easter," Valentines, Halloween "fellowships," Lent, 7 Last Words, Christmas, Mothers' and Fathers' Day, etc. They maintain that these are very important church events and without them God would be so angry. So they never miss celebrating them year after year.

One pastor was so bewildered when he learned that I was doing ministry without a denomination or church anniversary. He said, "How can that be?" To his mind, having no denomination or church anniversary was equal to having no God. Denomination is a god. 

He asked, "Who would do the check and balance for you?" When I told him I had a father in faith who is my discipler for life, he said, "Oh, so you have a superintendent?" 

I said, "No, he's not my superintendent--he's my spiritual father in faith." He got more confused and said something on what Jesus says about not calling any man your father. That's the result of years of hacking into God's Facebook.

Now, the Pharisees are going to question me about Mothers' Day and Grand Mothers' Day (and other Days) if they read this article, as some of them did when I was yet pastor of a denominational church years ago. "Are you saying we should not honor our fathers and mothers? Are you saying that we stop loving them?" And they thought I was a heretic or into some cult or sect. "And how about Christmas?--it's Savior's birthday!"

I understand celebrations like that and even Jesus attended traditional feasts in his time. But he was not a fanatic. He didn't spend big sums on them or prepared cute programs for them. He merely roamed around the crowds, looking for opportunities to introduce his radical teachings that often demolished their religions, even their bible-based religion.

What the bible does say is to always observe the death of our Lord to pay for our sins. But his birth and Mothers' and Fathers' Day and Halloween and Valentines and "Easter"? These are not part of God's FB group or God's blog, but they have somehow sneaked in and become part of "Christian" celebrations religiously observed in men's churches for decades--even centuries. And to think of the huge amount of money poured into these celebrations--all down the drain.

"Oh, so you're like Judas, concerned about the money 'wasted' on Jesus which should instead be given to the poor!"

The problem with Mothers' and Fathers' and Grandparents' Days and Christmas is that these are ideas born from a need for businesses to increase profits, so they thought of ways to make people spend more money. When churches follow suit, churches cease being led by the Spirit of God and instead just flow along with the world. They are led by worldliness--not by the Spirit. They again think that Sabbath is a day or occasion on the calendar--not a genuine experience and life of resting in God. Sabbath is a daily rest in God. It's a life. It's not a day in a week.

The same with honoring and loving our mothers and fathers and grandparents--it's a life, not a day on the calendar. A lot of people celebrate mothers' or fathers' day but put them in care centers for the aged when they're old. A lot of churches celebrate Christmas and spend lots for it but live shallow bible lives and testimonies. Some haven't actually shared the Gospel to others. If we love the Savior, God says, live like Jesus--that's what genuine God's FB or God's blog says.

It's amazing that, no matter the number of hackers and identity thieves out there who steal from God's Facebook or God's blog, God still risks adding and accepting "friends" and revealing his plans to them. Shouldn't we risk the same with our online FB? Or spiritual FB? But mind you, God also has in place a lot of foolproof security measures for his FB group where vital details of his plans are revealed.
