Gaining Everything

I will never forget the day when God told me to lose all. God's Spirit talks to your spirit during quiet times and Word meditations with him, and that day he told me to "lose all." He said it's the secret to possessing everything, just like how Jesus possessed everything after losing all. 

Jesus made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!

9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name, [Philippians 2]

Possessing everything does not mean getting rich and having lots of money and material possessions but possessing God's spiritual possessions. Let me put it this way: A man of God was once invited to speak in a mountainous venue and when night came the place was full of mosquitoes. The camp staff and campers all got badly bitten and itchy.

The next morning, during breakfast, they noticed how the man of God didn't get a single mosquito bite. They asked him what happened. He said: "We forget that 'All things are ours.' " There was a short silence. Then the man of God continued. "I commanded the mosquitoes to scram in Jesus Name! They left me alone. I had a good sleep." Sounds incredible but it's a true story.

This reminds me of Jesus commanding demons and the winds and the waves, and how God commanded frogs and pests through Moses. Including how Elijah made fire come down from heaven through God's power. These things are ours in Christ (we are co-heirs with him) but somehow we lost track when the church opted to be mesmerized more by human theologies and philosophy than God's supernatural wonders.

Fact, church became more preoccupied by how their hermeneutics interpreted God's Word instead of the Holy Spirit's supernatural revelation (the way Jesus heard from the Father and how his apostles learned Kingdom truth), and how their homiletics systematically presented God's Word rather than the Holy Spirit's supernatural anointing (the way all the apostles, prophets and evangelists preached in the bible).

We must go back to the Kingdom principle of losing everything to possess all! God designed creation for our use. He wants us to enjoy His creation so we can worship Him more. And part of enjoying it is having dominion. Then we enter a higher dimension of worship when we experience God's power for ourselves. Worship gets to the next level of the Spirit realms if we experience firsthand God's supernatural, awesome power in us. 

Worship remains earthly and non-transformative no matter how impressive we make it, and all we get is being "blessed" by the worship service programmed by man from first to last. Worship is transformed in ever-increasing glory only if we get to sit with Christ on his throne, and that means experiencing God's supernatural power. This means, like Jesus, we lose a lot of things that the world values or appreciates. We begin to understand the wisdom of the smallest seed in the kingdom.
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, [Ephesians 2.6]
We can command nature and nature obeys us. In fact, we ought to learn the Kingdom technology of talking to nature and objects. The Master said, "If you say (or talk) to this mountain...."

But because most churches today like to look scientific or philosophic than supernatural like Jesus, the apostles and the Acts church, they mock spiritual powers like commanding spirits and creation, spiritual gifts and declaring miraculous healing, and just cling to their religious theories instead. They would rather refer you to doctors or psychiatrists than radically step out in faith and declare miracles and signs and wonders in Jesus' Name.

Again, the modern Pharisees would probably ask me here if I'm teaching that medical science is not necessary anymore. I'm always accused of that whenever I focus on God's supernatural powers. For the record--I never said or say anything here about trashing medical science.

Moses' parents learned to give up everything--even their beautiful baby--in God's hands. What would you do if your baby was in danger? Being a parent, I know that most of us would keep our babies protected, in our arms to shelter them from harm. We automatically use our own efforts to protect our kids. 

But Moses' parents learned a radical thing from God at a time when using human effort was very tempting. Who would think of dumping their lovely babies in a basket in a river when all babies were being killed? We'd rather hide the baby or escape with the baby, right? Not Moses' parents. They obeyed God's radical instruction.

Nothing was said in the bible about Moses' parents getting such instruction from God, of course, but it is safe to assume thus--because everything turned out serving God's design for Moses. I believe, too, that all other Hebrew parents who opted to use their own efforts to protect their babies lost them. Only Moses escaped.

Here's more: when Moses' parents gave him up completely to God's care, they received him back with a bonus--Pharaoh's daughter said she would pay the mother wages for caring for Pharaoh's daughter's newly adopted baby.

The rich, young ruler could have gotten the same blessing and bonus from my Jesus if he had believed Jesus and gave up everything to God so he could gain everything. But mind you--surrendering everything is not meant to get something in return. It's first and foremost obedience to God. Gaining everything is just a bonus. An obedient heart obeys with or without bonuses.

GOD's Flesh E-book

Making God's Word your life to get all the supernatural blessings that God has for you. This is the gist of what my e-book, GOD's Flesh, is all about. Get more Kingdom principles and learn how to apply them daily to life and ministry and make miracles an everyday reality, the way it was to Jesus.
