Wasting Time and Energy on a Restless Ministry?

Giphy Christ is coming back soon, so most churches and ministries today work double-time to "evangelize" people by hook or by crook. They'd do anything that works, especially anything that cramps people into their church buildings. The common notion is that the Great Commission is done by upping church membership. Once their churches have become mega in membership, you see the happy, fulfilled expressions on their faces, thinking they have done God's will. And often, they look down on other churches that have remained small and "not growing." To them, growth is none other than numerical (especially financial), although sometimes they may hint on seemingly favoring "quality spiritual growth." But don't count on it. They only say that to sound spiritual. In reality, growth to them is numerical, period. Numbers in membership and finances. Ministry with a Worldly System Almost everyone has forgotten that everything should be done as Je...