
Showing posts from April 14, 2019

Church with a Babylon System

The Babylon church system will intensify these last days as the devil's last ditch effort to deceive believers. Intensified and yet mostly undetected. Everything seems normal. Business as usual. Yet, the "great prostitute" (Mystery Babylon) goes on committing adultery with the "kings of the earth" as she also intoxicates the "inhabitants of the earth with the wine of her adulteries," says Revelation. Picture above from "Kings of the earth" doesn't just mean political rulers or presidents of countries but every influential leader--in politics, businesses, industries and churches. Especially those who act like "kings" and value being great in this world (the Nebuchadnezzar spirit)--doing everything to be great--believing that the greatest has the right to rule the least. This illusion of "being great" makes them so susceptible to the "wine of her adulteries." She m...