
Showing posts with the label Last Days

What Lockdown is For the Church

A lot of believers online are trying to sound confident about the development of cured Covid cases, and I celebrate with them. In fact, lockdown policies would be moderated in some parts. This is welcome news. There's an increase in the number of patients surviving. Who wouldn't want to see Covid finally gone? But there are whispers about a second wave. [Picture by Nuno Alberto, Unsplash]. I believe God showed me a mental vision of how the church is now being pushed to a corner and gradually given no other option but to seek refuge in God's supernatural ways and power to solve the Covid crisis. Believe it or not, the ending of Covid is in the hands of the church--it depends on whether church would succumb to God's power or rely on what man could do. What Jesus Would Do I mean, even church today relies on the government for protection against Covid 19. Just imagine Christ seeking medical protection and food supplies or ayuda from Pilate's government because...

New Normal in the Spirit

This is NOT a time for usual things. Much less for church traditions. If in CIY Fellowship we've been doing things so unusual, it's time to leave these "elementary teachings" and go on to the next level of maturity. As there's a new normal in the world, so there is in the heavenlies. Actually, the new normal in the spirit realms has started long before the one in the world came to be. [Picture by TedwardQuinn, Unsplash]. Just as the Jesus' spiritual church started long before man's church in this world started. Least is the Greatest In these last days, God is introducing some brand new things to the Philadelphia church [Revelation 3]. This church is weak (it has "little strength") and probably belittled and despised. The least church by all earthly measures and standards. But in God's eyes it is a 5-star general in his army, being in possession of an "open door" from the Lord that no one can shut. To this church Jesus ha...

The Lord's Resurrection Arm

In a way, Resurrection's good news is also about the grace that enables us to stop drinking from the cup of God's wrath, and having the enemy drink from it instead. By Jesus' rising from death through God's supernatural power, true believers become children of God spared from his wrath and given supernatural power to live his life on earth and do his ministry. [Picture above by Damir Spanic, Unsplash]. “See, I have taken out of your hand the cup that made you stagger; from that cup, the goblet of my wrath, you will never drink again. 23 I will put it into the hands of your tormentors, who said to you, ‘Fall prostrate that we may walk on you.’ And you made your back like the ground, like a street to be walked on.” [Isaiah 51.22-23] But it doesn't end there. To a lot of church people, though, it does--escaping the wrath is the end--and all they have to do now is be active in  their church and in their ministries happily ever after. This is what they call church...

Church with a Babylon System 2

Here's Part 1 It may seem the Babylon system affects only trade and commerce as portrayed in Revelation 18. As if only "merchants" and "kings" are affected. There's no mention of the church. But there is--when God told his people to "come out of her!" That's us, the church. "Come out" means we're inside and we have to go out to Him. We have to make sure we're cleared of any trace of the system. Untainted and spotless. You don't have to leave any Babylon church (but do so if God tells you) because the point here is leaving the system , not a place. You may be out of a Babylon church and still have the system fully operational in you. The Acts church was out of the system though they were still part of Judaism--until Judaism kicked them out. God is always after a heart sold out to him. "I have found David...a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him ...

How to be Trustworthy with Worldly Wealth

Money Crashers Still in Luke 16 (on the crooked steward or manager who was commended by his boss), Jesus showed how to be trustworthy with worldly wealth. We need to. We need to prove we can handle worldly wealth the right way so God can entrust true riches to us. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? A lot of believers misread this. They think being trustworthy with worldly wealth is keeping their money in banks and making it grow big there, buying big properties (doing so is "wisely" investing our money, they say), getting rich or being careful to put money only on things that will guarantee ROI. To many churches this is "good" stewardship. If you lose money, they'd say you're a bad steward. But Jesus tells us in the parable that using worldly riches to gain friends is how to be trustworthy with world wealth. Nothing is said about banks, investment or careful disposal. In the par...

Jesus' Great Commission 3: Materialistic World Defeated Through the Radical Jesus Life

DeviantArt Second Part Here Peter didn't like the idea how Jesus would suffer a lot, be humiliated and killed. He corrected Jesus about it. But Jesus rebuked him, equating him with Satan because his mind was only on man's concerns, not God's. Anything that serves only human needs and concerns is satanic, says Jesus, and that's where the church is headed for---man's glory. It has nothing to do whatsoever with Jesus' great commission, though they may be actively involved in "evangelism." That isn't God's plan at all. God's Strategy for Kingdom Come For the Kingdom to come ( Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ), the church needs to live the Beatitudes on a natural, daily basis, where being least is glorified, being allied with the weak, the oppressed and belittled. Go over the Sermon and you'd see how God sees "Thy Kingdom come" coming about. It comes when we finally appreciate that havin...

Jesus' Great Commission

Youtube First Part It's a glorious plan, bringing down to earth the Kingdom of heaven, so that in these last days heaven shouts saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever." [Revelation 11.15]. Jesus' great commission stated in Matthew 6 ( Thy Kingdom come ) is the Alpha and Omega of God's present move in these last days. And this great commission is to be implemented by Jesus' discipleship. Thus, Jesus' great commission is really in two parts--- Thy Kingdom come and make disciples . They cannot be separated, as the greatest commandment (love God with your all and love your neighbor as yourself) cannot be separated. We're to be a Kingdom within a kingdom. God's strategy is like yeast a woman mixed with three measures (60 pounds, says one translation) of dough until the whole thing is "worked through" or "permeated with" yeast. You...

The Last Move of God in These End-Times

Just before Jesus Christ comes back and just before the anti-Christ appears in public, what do you think is God's last move for the church? Would it be great revival or destruction of the church? As the years pass, we see more churches growing bigger and more people getting attracted to them, even among showbiz folks. A lot more people are sounding more spiritual on TV and online. Even on social media, more people are posting bible passages on their walls and more people are liking them, even typing "Amen!" to show their approval. More people are also actively commenting on Christian or theology pages on Facebook. More excitingly, a lot of new churches are popping up everywhere. Does this mean more people are turning to Christ and the Gospel is really being preached to the ends of the earth? Or is God doing something else somewhere---something totally different than the good and encouraging positive things we are seeing today? Just because we enjoy God...

When GOD Steps in in Politics

Image Elections are just a few days ahead, and the church, as usual, doesn't know what it should do---though it pretends to. A lot of them join the political circus, thinking they have to "get involved" and be God's representative (whatever that means) in the fanfare, when all it does to them is get divided, ending up fighting each other. The times armies ended up killing each other in the bible was when God fought against them. Anyway, on the other hand, some church people also refuse to get involved because---like those who involve themselves--they, too, really don't know what to do. But they have one common denominator---they think God will involve Himself someway in politics. It was the same thing when Israel was waiting for the coming Messiah---they thought he was going to get involved politically and liberate them from Rome. Jesus never lifted a finger to do it. Instead, he introduced His Kingdom. The Kingdom had its own agenda, ...

Vision of the Modern Acts Church in the Last Days

Image The Acts church at its best--we will witness this phenomenon in the Last Days before Jesus Christ comes back. The Acts church culture was obliterated by men's denominational churches but God will restore everything as he promised through the prophets [Acts 3.21].  The modern Acts church will not ostensibly display power like mega churches do. In fact, they will meet in small, simple, quiet groups--in quiet homes, rooms, street corners, garages, home rooftops, or cafes--but they are power houses nonetheless, shrouded in seeming weakness--because power is made perfect in weakness. This house churches are powerfully networked together to the Head, but under no denomination or formal alliances. In fact, it will be simply known as a movement (God's present move) of the Holy Spirit whose leaders are not publicly visible. No one personality will be popular here, save Jesus Christ. Look at how they start a "crusade" or "conference." It...

The Fierce Spiritual Battle is On

Image Actually, all the end-time scenarios we read in the bible, particularly the prophesies in Daniel, the Gospel, and Revelations, are now starting--especially the great spiritual battle worldwide where Satan aims to launch full-swing deception, even against the elect, if it were possible.  It seems that what most believers are waiting for is some kind of an official announcement that "the battle is now about to start, so get ready." They wait for the anti-Christ to appear and rule the world and the 666 mark to start being imposed--unaware that all these have started to happen already, though not full blast yet.  Here's what I mean. The anti-Christ is already operating in the halls of power in both secular governments and in churches worldwide. If you have spiritual eyes to see, you will easily see this. And the mark 666 is already in operation--though not literally. You see, 666 is man's number. God created man on the 6th day. So, it means m...

The Religious Demon is a "Christian"

The religious demon is often a "Christian." These last days, Satan is going to focus more on deceiving Christians to fool even the elect, if possible. So hordes of religious demons are out to destroy believers. These are deadly spirits, demolition experts. Self-Righteous They really believe God is not just in their churches--he is confined to them. Because God is stuck in their churches, they consider their church buildings sacred. So they don't permit you to eat inside their church buildings. God would get angry. You're also not suppose to express your full emotions in church because that shows weakness. We're supposed to be strong and sturdy folks who always manage to stay calm and formal and decent. And they observe other such foolish traditions. They love talking about how God cares for them and cuts you short with how God is on top of everything once you begin to sigh about your problems. Sighing about difficulties is unacceptable to them--it mea...

Micah: Chief Among Mountains

In the last days, Micah says (Chap. 4) The Lord's mountain will be established . The Lord's mountain is the mountain of His presence. The same as with God's Zion and Jerusalem. In the natural, Jerusalem will be more favored than other nations. But more so in the spirit, Zion and Jerusalem--the Lord's mountain presence--will be established. In other words, God's flesh on earth will be in full blast.  "It will be raised above the hills..."  Chief among the mountains. There are other mountains being established. Man's mountains. Here in Manila, men's mountains suddenly pop up---garbage mountains. Denominational mountains, too. Mountains of mundane achievements and accomplishments. Earthly successes. Everyone's on a mountain climbing of some sort these days, trying to make a name for themselves. Even churches.  But the Lord's mountain will be established as the chief mountain. Make sure it's the Lord's mountain you'...

End Times? Really?

I hear many good preachers talk about the end times systematically and scholarly. You can see that they really know what they're talking about and have a good grasp of their subject. They are experts about the end times. Yet I wonder: If they know so much what would happen in the end times and if they're really so smart, why are they still in their denominations? These preachers all urge us to prepare for the Second Coming and the end times. How? By being more active in a denominational church? Well, that's what most of them conclude. But what very few preachers know is that Jesus is coming back for only one church. And this church is not denominational. It's Jesus' glorious church.  In John 17, Jesus prayed that all true believers be completely united. It was an urgent prayer, considering the time when it was offered--when he was near death. People near their death would say nothing but only about things really important for them. Like a last will and te...