Connection Between Receiving Christ and Perfection If you can't believe perfection, how else are you going to believe Christ's other teachings? Lots of church people and preachers trash perfection because they like to keep their status as "saved sinners." They keep holding on to that and plan to die with it. They often even shout their slogans: "Nobody is perfect, and you cannot be perfect. There's no perfect church!" They don't realize how they're beginning to sound like detractors than promoters of God's Kingdom on earth and God's plan for his "glorious" church. But ironically, these same people flaunt around their high standards. They like to show people how they post nothing on Facebook except bible verses. They like people to know that they are strict and want nothing but "the best" for God. For instance, you may see them practicing their songs or special numbers for long hours, repeating their rehearsals again and again, spending late ni...