
Showing posts with the label GOD's Flesh EBOOKS

Visit GOD's Flesh on Wordpress

Youtube image. I will be focusing on my other GOD's Flesh blog on wordpress to develop it because my e-books are located there and also my e-mail list. The ministry needs money for certain works of the Kingdom, so I need to sell some e-books. You may proceed there if you want to continue getting our articles, but rest assured, I will be going back to this blog as soon as possible, Godwilling. So, I invite you to visit the wordpress blog by clicking this link: GOD's Flesh on Wordpress. Join my email discipleship. Just email me at For more radically life-changing insights, get my e-books! GOD's Flesh: "And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!" [Job 19.26-17]. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!

Blessed but Without Inheritance

Barba CFO Being blessed is good (and we should thank God a lot for it) but it's really no big deal. I mean, it doesn't mean you are better than others as lots of folks would have it. God blesses both the righteous and the wicked. God even abundantly blessed Ishmael even if he wasn't God's will for Abraham. And here's what's even astonishing---even if you are in the present move of God and you know exactly what God's will is and have a good relationship with Him, but if you fail to wait on Him and go ahead of Him, you'll end up with an Ishmael---with everything wrong---though everything may seem perfect. Blessed but scratched out of inheritance So blessed and yet without inheritance. Is that possible? Yes it is. In fact, you see it everywhere in ministries. Churches in a hurry to grow big, doing anything and everything that works and indeed growing big and looking so blessed. They really look so, so blessed. But because they're not using ...

Did I Really Write That?

Now and then I read my own e-books---what I wrote years ago---and I often marvel. Was it really me who wrote them? They sound so radical and out-of-this-world (or stuff definitely not for churchy folks). Like this e-book, "God's Flesh" which I started writing, I think, in 2002. The original book is already lost so I started writing a new God's Flesh in 2005. This is the present God's Flesh e-book I'm selling now. And reading it again today, I was blessed with new revelations. It sounded like somebody else wrote it, not me. Can I write something like that? To buy the e-book through Paypal and get a PDF copy, click here. I was amazed especially by what I said on glory---increasing glory versus fading glory, fading life, mirrored glory, surpassing glory, transformed versus changed, never-perish life, ever-increasing glory and what clay jars really are, among many others. The radical insights are something you won't hear in most churches or in semi...

Revealing the Life of Christ in our Bodies

Image You may be wondering---why do we need to receive Jesus Christ into our hearts and why does he have to enter into our bodies? Why can't God just declare us saved once we have faith in him? Jesus has to enter our bodies because he needs to be revealed in us. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. [2 Corinthians 4.10-11] How important is Christ being in us? Paul described it simply: "Christ in you the hope of glory." It's God's plan to glorify Jesus Christ in our bodies. Thus, we have to receive him, invite him to enter our bodies---our lives---so we can reveal him in these last days. The idea is to form Christ in us: My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you, [Galatians 4....

The Last Move of God in These End-Times

Just before Jesus Christ comes back and just before the anti-Christ appears in public, what do you think is God's last move for the church? Would it be great revival or destruction of the church? As the years pass, we see more churches growing bigger and more people getting attracted to them, even among showbiz folks. A lot more people are sounding more spiritual on TV and online. Even on social media, more people are posting bible passages on their walls and more people are liking them, even typing "Amen!" to show their approval. More people are also actively commenting on Christian or theology pages on Facebook. More excitingly, a lot of new churches are popping up everywhere. Does this mean more people are turning to Christ and the Gospel is really being preached to the ends of the earth? Or is God doing something else somewhere---something totally different than the good and encouraging positive things we are seeing today? Just because we enjoy God...

GOD's Flesh EBook: Back to God's Original Plan

EBOOK. GOD is spirit--and we are His flesh on earth. It all started with Jesus Christ, the WORD made flesh and dwelt among us. Then he passed on the legacy to his church. The WORD must be made flesh in us, too. The bible says, "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly," [Colossians 3.16]. Get this e-book by emailing at When the WORD is made flesh it reveals God's awesome power and authority encapsulated in a human body, and yet remains truly human, lowly and humble. True meekness is a must in being GOD's fesh, a self-effacing character that draws attention away from itself and directed solely to Jesus. Any sign or hint of self-pride or self-boasting is not God's flesh.  It is carnal flesh. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. [1 John 2.16] Or, "For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything ...

Leaving the Land of Slavery: EBook on Genuine Revival and the Glorious Church

Image Finally, the book "Leaving the Land of Slavery" is out for sale online in e-book form. It is about God's formula in the bible on genuine church revival and how the glorious church of Jesus Christ--which is without spot or wrinkle--should be started and operated to build God's Kingdom on earth. To be sure it is radical and contains nothing of the usual. It depicts what churches are today--all man and nothing of God--and how God's genuine church in Christ is yet to be manifested to all since world history began. Fact is, since man took over church from the Acts, we have taken out from the Word it's real supernatural power and have not allowed God's Word and principles to build his church on earth. Everything has been of man and how he adulterated the Word of God to suit his designs and his own ways, building his own empires, which are the denominations. But in these last days, God is going to restore everything back to his will, Word, an...

Book Review: Leaving the Land of Slavery

IS A SINLESS LIFE REALLY POSSIBLE? It is, if you're in Christ, although many people who have supposedly "received" Jesus into their lives still remain in sin. Among promises of Jesus once you surrender your life to him is freedom from sin. "If the Son sets you free you will be free indeed." Here's how he said it: 34 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37 [John 8] There are powerful principles in the bible designed to help us live a holy life in Christ. I share about them in this e-book. These are Kingdom principles seldom seriously discussed or taught in church. Learn about them in this e-book and also support me in my ministry when you buy a copy (PDF). Click here to buy!  Being free from the traps of sin takes more than just church attendance, church activities, seminars, ...

Getting Something for FREE

The article immediately prior to this, titled "Genuine Godly Stewardship," got this query: "What do you mean by money expense to beautify our lives? Do you mean the temple of the Holy Spirit?" The answer is a big YES. But it's not about church buildings or altar renovations. Church buildings are not God's temple. Picture above by Saad Chaudhry, Unsplash. Building and beautifying the temple of the Holy Spirit takes lots of spiritual caring by the Word, prayer, worship, genuine spirit fellowship (spirit-to-spirit connection), and discipleship--plus lots of real money expense. For one, you have to buy bibles in various versions. Another is buying quality books on Jesus and having your own Greek and Hebrew bibles and things like that. And don't forget books with unusual or radical contents that help you believe outside the (religious) box. Jesus said, "Leave them (the Pharisees). They're blind guides." But these are not musts. Th...