
Showing posts with the label UNSEEN GOSPEL

How Do You Know God is Really Opening Up Scriptures To You?

Unless God opens up the meaning of Scriptures to you, you won't understand any of it. At best all you'd get is what the smart and wise of this world also get--the letter--which kills, according to Paul the apostle. What counts in the Kingdom is getting the Spirit of the Word, not the letter. [Image above by Aaron Burden, Unsplash]. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. [2 Corinthians 3.6] The Spirit gives life, says Jesus in John. "The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life." So, it's the "spoken" Word you should get--spoken straight from God's own mouth--without which all you get is an intelligent appreciation of the bible. An earthly interpretation. Intelligent but it does not remove the veil that the god of this world has covered minds with. It cannot remove the curtain that keeps you from entering the holy of holies. The same thi...

Jesus Granted the Devil's Request

PInterest This is among rarely noticed events in Scripture (in fact, among unseen Gospel truths) but which reveals a lot about Jesus, the way he operates and his Kingdom. This devil, from Gadarenes and whose name was Legion (because they were many), asked Jesus to let them transfer from the man they possessed to the herd of pigs nearby. And Jesus allowed them. Jesus granted the devil's request! Why? Sound reasoning would tell us he should've just sent them to the Abyss or somewhere else where they wouldn't cause harm or damage. That way, everyone would be happy. But no, Jesus granted the devil's request. He sent them to the herd of pigs which numbered about 2,000, says Mark, and they all drowned themselves in the nearby lake. Naturally, the townsfolk affected by the swine industry protested and begged him to go away. How much is a pig today? Just to get an idea what the picture is, let's say it's Php 4,000 a pig of regular size. With 2,000 pigs th...

Jesus' Great Commission 3: Materialistic World Defeated Through the Radical Jesus Life

DeviantArt Second Part Here Peter didn't like the idea how Jesus would suffer a lot, be humiliated and killed. He corrected Jesus about it. But Jesus rebuked him, equating him with Satan because his mind was only on man's concerns, not God's. Anything that serves only human needs and concerns is satanic, says Jesus, and that's where the church is headed for---man's glory. It has nothing to do whatsoever with Jesus' great commission, though they may be actively involved in "evangelism." That isn't God's plan at all. God's Strategy for Kingdom Come For the Kingdom to come ( Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ), the church needs to live the Beatitudes on a natural, daily basis, where being least is glorified, being allied with the weak, the oppressed and belittled. Go over the Sermon and you'd see how God sees "Thy Kingdom come" coming about. It comes when we finally appreciate that havin...

Jesus' Great Commission

Youtube First Part It's a glorious plan, bringing down to earth the Kingdom of heaven, so that in these last days heaven shouts saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever." [Revelation 11.15]. Jesus' great commission stated in Matthew 6 ( Thy Kingdom come ) is the Alpha and Omega of God's present move in these last days. And this great commission is to be implemented by Jesus' discipleship. Thus, Jesus' great commission is really in two parts--- Thy Kingdom come and make disciples . They cannot be separated, as the greatest commandment (love God with your all and love your neighbor as yourself) cannot be separated. We're to be a Kingdom within a kingdom. God's strategy is like yeast a woman mixed with three measures (60 pounds, says one translation) of dough until the whole thing is "worked through" or "permeated with" yeast. You...


Click here for UNSEEN GOSPEL articles. Everybody reads the letter of the Gospel, and in fact even the devil has been enjoying it for centuries. But very few see the Spirit of the Gospel---or the Unseen Gospel. Paul said the Letter kills but the Spirit gives life [2 Corinthians 3]. He was talking of the old and new covenant here, but the same applies to the Gospel, for both the Covenants and the Gospel are the Word of God. And even if our gospel is unseen, it is unseen to those who are perishing. [CSGV 2 Corinthians 4.3] Picture above from Pujiang Longsheng Crystal Art & Craft Co., Ltd.   Unless you are truly surrendered to Jesus (and you no longer live but HE lives in you), a spiritual veil covers your face to prevent you from seeing the unseen Gospel. If you remain unseeing, you perish spiritually. Again, Paul said it clearly to the Corinthians: The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays...

Jesus' First Great Commission

Shazoo.Ru For many years they've made Matthew 28.19-20 as Jesus' Great Commission, making disciples. But the idea was just humanly decided. Jesus never mentioned it as his "great commission" to the church. So I can also safely make my own great-commission selection . Any believer can. And I believe Jesus' first great commission is in Matthew 6. First Great Commission It's really "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." That's Jesus' prayer and it reflected his true mission on earth. To bring down the Kingdom of the Holy God on earth, make it fully operational here, and make heaven a genuine reality on earth. It's a supernatural commission. God's sons and daughters are the ones tasked here (that's why we pray "Our heavenly Father" ) and should have this mission-vision at heart. That's Jesus' first great commission. And the second one---making disciples of all nations---...

Prosperity in the Gospel

Image from 8 Tracks. I was watching this popular Filipino evangelist on TV preaching about prosperity. I respect him and learn a lot when I watch him, but there are certain things I don't agree with him---like his view on God's prosperity. He suggested there may be something wrong with you if you've been a born-again Christian a long time and still poor. Yup, God's will is prosperity. I agree to the max. He even quoted 3 John 2 and Deuteronomy 18.8 and I believe them with all my heart. Yet, we have to get a hint from Jesus and see how he came to earth. He came as a poor fellow and left still a poor fellow, if not poorer. The same with John the baptizer. And look at how James (1) put it: Believers who are poor have something to boast about, for God has honored them. 10 And those who are rich should boast that God has humbled them. They will fade away like a little flower in the field. In the Old Testament, prosperity was material. But these are just shad...

Why Sons are Exempt

Image from Shutterstock. Sons are exempt. Jesus said this about paying taxes but principles like this have spiritual implications and ramifications. Exemption here is not just about earthly taxes. I can see it applied to our entire sonship in Christ, for instance. We tend to box ourselves in traditionally and humanly accepted meanings and fail to see passages like this through the mind of Christ and miss the glory. Like muzzling an ox that treads the grain. How did Paul conclude that to apply to ministers of the Gospel and not really to an ox? The context in Deuteronomy 25 is to point out how imposing unreasonable punishment on a guilty offender is like muzzling an ox while it’s doing its burdensome work. The comparison is on the difficulty and cruelty. Imagine subjecting the ox to heavy work without feeding it. Sons Look for Spiritual Principles in the WORD But Paul took it to apply to ministers (though we see no hint on this whatsoever in Deuteronomy). Why? Becaus...

Why Jesus was Glad the Wise and Learned Didn't Get It

It's one of Jesus' strange statements. He was glad the smart guys didn't get a hint of anything he said. And to think that the context was on repentance. He was glad that the scholarly failed to understand about repentance? Didn't he want everybody to repent of sins and be saved? Here's the passage: “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26 Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. [Matthew 11] It's something similar to what he told Judas (not Iscariot) about not revealing himself to the world. Judas was confused. Didn't God so loved the world that he gave Jesus to save it? Then why would he not reveal himself to the world? Jesus said he'd only reveal himself to those who really loved him, and these were people who really kept his words.  Jesus reveals himself only to "little children" and he even warne...

Loving Sinners the Way Jesus Did

Image from ZipRecruiter. One book author said it well. Most churches today lack love, especially for sinners. They may love each other in church but they often neglect non-Christians who sometimes feel left out or out-of-place because believers keep their church fellowships too tightly sealed---like an exclusive club. Non-believers find it hard to squeeze their way in. But what's the solution? The popular notion today is to give special treatment to the unchurched. I even read something about asking people what they want or expect from a church and build church from that foundation. In other words, go after people. They say that demonstrates "love" for sinners. Yeah, once upon a time I also thought so. I made sure I entertained visitors in church, made them feel welcome so they'd go back next Sunday. I thought that was how Jesus did it---until one day I sought Scriptures to confirm it. Sinners Should Pursue Jesus (That's God's Love) To my surprise,...

What Really Convinced the Shepherds to Go See the Baby in a Manger?

Image from ShareFaith. You'd probably say an angel told the shepherds to go to the manger scene so they ended up there. Not quite. But this is what most people think happened. Actually, the angel simply tickled their imagination and aroused their curiosity. Anyone proclaiming the good news about Jesus Christ should use this Kingdom principle instead of "trapping" people into attending their churches each Sunday. But why shepherds? Why did they have to be there? Why not prominent people like Herod or the rich? Shepherds were the poorest people and the lowest type of laborers at the time. They were unschooled and often rough mannered. And yet, they were the first to be told of the birth of Jesus. But first things first---take note that God chose to send his Son to a poor family when he came to the world to save us. It was no accident. It was pre-planned. Father, Son and Holy Spirit sat down and carefully planned all this and decided to go to a poor and weak nati...