Why Jesus Never Did What We Do in Ministry Today

www.godsrainbow.net Here's Part 1 So, while waiting for the Father to start things for his ministry, Isaiah 53.2 says Jesus just "grew up before him" (the Father)". He "grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man" [Luke 2.52]. He never desperately went around the neighborhood looking for someone to invite to his ministry. He never did any visitation work. He just grew up . I used to do things the traditional denominational way. I'd go around the neighborhood, introduce myself as a pastor and invite folks to my bible studies, prayer meetings and then later to church. Sometimes I forced them, pestered them with my visits, or made them feel guilty if they didn't come. But then one day, in my quiet time, God showed me something in his Word. I saw how Jesus never did any of the things I was doing. Neither did his apostles in Acts. That served like a bright bulb that suddenly lighted amid black darkness. What did Jesus and...