Boxists and Others Who Use Virtues to Trap You

Beware of them. They're out there everywhere to trap people and make them do their bidding. Often, they pretend to espouse love, humility and patience to use them against people they want to control. And yup, it's all about control. They love to control and manipulate, and they won't hesitate to use all the religious arsenal available at their disposal. Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash . For lack of a better term, I sometimes refer to them as boxists . Not boxers. Boxers are expert punchers with their fists. Boxists love labeling people and putting them in boxes. You cannot be yourself and have a right to your own opinion. Nope. They categorize you and lump you with others they think are of the same persuasion. Box-Type Boxists If you say you believe in eternal security, for instance, they automatically lump you with the Calvinists or Baptists or Fundamentalists. If you worship expressively, they put you in their Pentecostal box. If you believe in holiness, they'd put...