True Holiness Gauge
It's easy to seclude yourself in church ministries and not get involved in the world and "live holy." That was the idea of monasteries where monks lived in mountain seclusions far away from civilization. And they indeed assumed an appearance of holiness. But that's not the true gauge of holiness. I've seen believers and pastors who looked okay while engrossed in church ministries (and confined there) but went wild with sin when exposed to the real world. Some drowned in greed, others wallowed in lust, fornication, adultery, and other forms of sexual immorality. Why? Their spiritual immune system was down while hidden far away in a germ-free environ, as it were. The moment they were in touch with the real world their immune system couldn't handle it. Soaking and hiding in church attendance or ministries cannot empower you to overcome the world. They just incubate sin, nourishing and growing it in a quiet environment waiting for the right time to explod...