
Showing posts from October 3, 2010

Micah: God’s Ways and Paths

After pinpointing the mountain God is establishing as chief among mountains, you go up there. Use all your effort and resources climbing it up. Fact, spend your entire lifetime scaling it. Prioritize it. Hate your life even, in favor of it. Yes, hate even your family if it stands in the way of your climbing up God’s mountain. And what will happen there? There, “God will teach us his ways that we may walk in his paths,” [Micah 4.2]. God teaches his ways (through his Word) only on the chief mountain he’s establishing. Nowhere else. Not in your church building, not in your Sunday school, not in your bible school, and definitely not in your theological seminary. “The Law goes out only from God’s Zion, his Word from Jerusalem.” This is not geographic but spiritual. The true church is the true Israel, the spiritual Israel made up of Jews and gentiles with the Jesus DNA, God’s genuine Zion, spiritual Jerusalem the capital of his presence. His Unique Ways and Paths Our ways an...