They Focus on the Lamp

First off, thanks for inviting me here (finally) as admin and author, and I think it's about time (right Gaerlan CS?) because it's my email that's used in this blog 😄. Anyway, we plan to put up a gmail for Small Seed in the offing, just so there's less confusion with our readers. Photo by Vladimir Fedotov on Unsplash . And talk about confusion, there's going to be lots of it in church in these last days. We get a hint from the Lord's parable about the 10 virgins--5 were wise and 5 were foolish or confused. Remember? The 5 foolish thought owning a lamp was enough to make them secure for the rapture (if you refuse to believe in the coming rapture, read on, before total confusion sets in). Half of Christendom (or half of the modern church) are going to be foolish in these last days because they simply focus on their lamps, not the oil in the lamp. The lamp is given too much emphasis today. They spend enormous amount of money on it, renovate it, beautify it and ...