HOW GOD's MOVE BECOMES MAN's RELIGION: How to Preserve God's Moves Ever since, God has been doing moves to fulfill his will--particularly to build His Son's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven through the glorious church of Jesus Christ, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. God does it for his glory. And ever since, man has been taking that glory for himself. Man's religion is all about himself and legitimizes that by using God's Word and God's move. The religion may claim to be of, through, and for God but you see nothing there except man and his will for God. If you're sharp spiritually, it's easy to spot a religion by man even a mile away. It often looks attractive and luring--they do every gimmick to make it seem God is there (to make you feel blessed)--but it's all artificial. If you're a genuine seeker, seek no less than God and what is genuinely his--and preserve it for him. Never use it for your own glory--to advance and promote your church and grow your membership. Since t...