Veil that Hides Fading Glory

Morning Meditations Religious veils keep you looking good---even build you mega churches---but they decrease God's glory in you. Remember the Kingdom principle---God's ways mixed with man's ways cannot result to God's glory. More so, anything purely of man, even "born-again" man. The more you hide your true self, the more you lose glory. This was Moses' predicament. Yes, the ministry he received had tremendous glory so that the Israelites could not look straight at his face, says 2 Corinthians 3. But the glory faded the more he tried to hide the fact with a man-made veil. Churches today, too, hide their fading glory behind veils of good Sunday worship programs, good and expressive singing, non-stop worship, overnight prayer meeting, good preaching, titles, degrees, concerts, seminars and conferences, feeding programs, and so-called "church planting." Once upon a time, when their ministries were newly born, they had awesome glory. Most n...