Signet-Ring Principle of the Kingdom

Miracles and supernatural powers are all from God, and without Him nothing is possible. But to a certain degree God has relegated that power to believers. It's up to us how we use it and when. He has given us the freedom to create options suited to our situation. Photo by Sabrinna Ringquist on Unsplash . It's called the Signet Ring Principle of the Kingdom. God gives us his signet ring in Christ to do as we please as far as promoting his Kingdom on earth is concerned. In his words, Jesus declared, "According to your faith it will be done to you." So our faith is given complete leeway to do everything we think and feel is needed to make known Jesus as LORD, and that faith will be backed up by Heaven 100 percent. Problem is, we do not use this privilege. We prefer our human ways and efforts in ministry. Remember Mordecai being given King Xerxes' signet ring to use as he pleased to save the Jews? It works that way. Xerxes told him to issue laws and edicts as he plea...