
Showing posts with the label Discipleship

Experiencing the I AM the Way, Truth and Life

The I AM was how God introduced himself to the Israelites in the Old Testament. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh that His name was, "I AM who I AM."  Jesus did the same thing in the Gospel. He revealed that "Before Abraham was, I AM," to the chagrin of his hearers, prodding them to stone him. But he got away. Photo above by  JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash . In the Gospel, he did several I AM declarations: I am the Bread of Life I am the Light of this world I am the Resurrection and the Life I am the Gate I am the Door I am the Good Shepherd I am the True Vine I am He I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (you cannot separate these 3) However, these revelations are mere head knowledge until they're EXPERIENCED. I'm sure we all know Jesus as the Way, Truth and Life, aside from his other claims. I'd even dare say that probably most people out there in the streets know this. But knowing without experiencing is nothing. It's not that experience is the best teacher...

Pastoring is NOT Pampering

It's NOT pampering in any sense. Pastoring is leading the flock home after letting it stroll out the pen for a while. Period. No more, no less. That's according to Jesus, our Master. It's definitely not how a lot of pastors do it today, which is pampering . They find out what their church members want or need and carefully make sure they give it to them. So ministry is need-driven (and member-centered), not anymore Spirit-led and Christ-centered. Photo above by Conscious Design on Unsplash . Jesus is the Shepherd and we are appointed as shepherds [1 Peter 5]. And the principle of shepherding in John 10 is that the sheep listen to his voice , not the other way around (it's not Jesus listening to our voice and following us). Neither is it the pastor listening to his members' needs. Pastoring is about minding God's interests alone, not ours or the church members'. Pastors should focus on this. We feed and care for the flock by teaching them to hear and obey H...

Residual Blessings in Christ 3

Steemit. Here's Part 2 What happens to residual blessings in Christ if we’re caught up in artificial church success? Well, to be sure, there are some bad effects. Paul said we’ll all face the judgment seat of Christ in the end where we get what we deserve—“whether good or bad” [2 Cor. 5]. So, there are “bad” results and they’re sure to be due to misusing the things of God. And bad results reap bad harvest. I imagine them to be residual bad effects. You start something bad and it spreads, reverberating down the line, to the third and fourth generation. And you reap everything one way or another. Lots of churches are like that. They started in Christ but tried something else along the way and have been doomed to it since. They can’t seem to get out. The ones who started it will reap a bad harvest from the bad fruit of everyone affected, residual bad effects. Their work will be “burned up,” says Paul, but they themselves will be saved. Effect on the Body of Christ ...

Residual Blessings in Christ 2

Image from Wealth Academy. Here's Part 1 Remember, we’re one body in Christ, and when Paul talked about this he, of course, referred to a “healthy” body in Christ. If every believer and church in the world believed this, the body and its parts would function as God designed them to and get their respective passive or residual blessings in Christ. All things will be balanced---if we all believe. But an unhealthy body will cause problems. As with our physical body, unhealthy happens when a body part is abused. And “abused” means wrongly used. The liver, for instance, is designed by God to detox whatever toxins we get from eating real food. And when I say “real food” I mean food meant to feed the body. Good, healthy and natural food still contains some toxin levels, though tolerable to the liver. That’s normal. Abnormal Body But God didn’t design the liver to filter out synthetic chemical flavoring and other artificial ingredients (especially in bulk) on a daily ba...

Residual Blessings in Christ 1

Pexels Whatever good or fun things we have on earth is really but a poor version of what's in heaven. Never think that what we have here are originals. Nope, they first became realities in heaven before some smart guys came up with the ideas here---as God permitted them. Like residual blessings in Christ. Residual income is a big marvel in network marketing. Your account goes on making money for you even when you've stopped working it out. Residual means abiding and enduring. Something keeps being left in your reserve after you've long stopped doing the business. It never ends. But long before it became a reality in network marketing, it's been a reality in Kingdom rewards systems. Through a Glass Darkly Have you noticed how the principle of duplication has become a top strategy in network marketing? Well, long before the computer and the internet came to being, duplication has been used by the Kingdom since creation. Binary, unilevel, points-system or ...

Jesus' First Great Commission

Shazoo.Ru For many years they've made Matthew 28.19-20 as Jesus' Great Commission, making disciples. But the idea was just humanly decided. Jesus never mentioned it as his "great commission" to the church. So I can also safely make my own great-commission selection . Any believer can. And I believe Jesus' first great commission is in Matthew 6. First Great Commission It's really "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." That's Jesus' prayer and it reflected his true mission on earth. To bring down the Kingdom of the Holy God on earth, make it fully operational here, and make heaven a genuine reality on earth. It's a supernatural commission. God's sons and daughters are the ones tasked here (that's why we pray "Our heavenly Father" ) and should have this mission-vision at heart. That's Jesus' first great commission. And the second one---making disciples of all nations---...

Ministry of a Kingdom Person in the Glorious Church

Study Make sure you're doing ministry in the glorious church of Jesus Christ, a church without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. People who have no knowledge of the Kingdom will just go to any "born-again" church, especially one which has the best facilities.  But a Kingdom person particularly makes sure he attends no less than the glorious church. Non-Kingdom people will tell you not to look for a perfect church. "There is no perfect church!" they insist. But the bible says there is a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle. It's Jesus' church. He died for it. He founded it. And ministry is different in the glorious church. In the glorious church, everyone's ministries are connected and intertwined. And I mean all ministries. Kingdom people know this so well. There is no such thing as "your ministry" or "my ministry" or "their ministry" or "our ministry." More radical Kingdom concepts for ...

You Can Only Raise Up People the Father Draws to You

Image You can grab as many people as you want to become members of your church. But those you can actually raise up to be fruitful disciples of Jesus Christ depends on how many people the Father draws to you. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. [John 6.44] The principle applies to Jesus and all his true followers---no on can come to you to be raised up by you unless the Father draws them to you. If say, the Father draws only 10 people to you and you have a thousand church members, the 990 others will just play church. They may be very active members and "supporters" in the eyes of men, but they will never bear good fruit, fruit that God looks for in a believer. Aside from the fruit of the Spirit [Galatians 5], the fruit God looks for is this: If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing...This is to my Father’s glory, th...

Disciple All Nations: The Quality of Increase God Wants

GOD's Flesh is all for numerical increase. We need to share the Gospel to as many. We need to work with God to increase the number of people getting saved and joining the church. We need more evangelism and we need to go all out particularly in these last crucial days. But we need to strictly go by God's quality control. The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. The church needs to be filled up with Kingdom assets, not liabilities. In bible history, God always destroyed liabilities. When the Israelites were becoming more of a liability, he destroyed them all in the desert. God does not need liabilities in his kingdom. This is why Jesus emphasized discipling nations just before he ascended. This is the quality of increase God wants in his church—discipled increase. Not just any increase for the sake of church expansionism, just to win the popularity contest and prove which church is better and bigger. Thus, as long as an increase is denominational, it does ...