Jesus' First Great Commission
Shazoo.Ru For many years they've made Matthew 28.19-20 as Jesus' Great Commission, making disciples. But the idea was just humanly decided. Jesus never mentioned it as his "great commission" to the church. So I can also safely make my own great-commission selection . Any believer can. And I believe Jesus' first great commission is in Matthew 6. First Great Commission It's really "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." That's Jesus' prayer and it reflected his true mission on earth. To bring down the Kingdom of the Holy God on earth, make it fully operational here, and make heaven a genuine reality on earth. It's a supernatural commission. God's sons and daughters are the ones tasked here (that's why we pray "Our heavenly Father" ) and should have this mission-vision at heart. That's Jesus' first great commission. And the second one---making disciples of all nations---...