
Showing posts with the label Revival

New Normal in the Spirit

This is NOT a time for usual things. Much less for church traditions. If in CIY Fellowship we've been doing things so unusual, it's time to leave these "elementary teachings" and go on to the next level of maturity. As there's a new normal in the world, so there is in the heavenlies. Actually, the new normal in the spirit realms has started long before the one in the world came to be. [Picture by TedwardQuinn, Unsplash]. Just as the Jesus' spiritual church started long before man's church in this world started. Least is the Greatest In these last days, God is introducing some brand new things to the Philadelphia church [Revelation 3]. This church is weak (it has "little strength") and probably belittled and despised. The least church by all earthly measures and standards. But in God's eyes it is a 5-star general in his army, being in possession of an "open door" from the Lord that no one can shut. To this church Jesus ha...

Real Generals in Church 2

Image from Play.Google.Com Here's Part 1 The patriarchs, apostles and prophets in the bible were authentic generals, of course. Not because of their accomplishments but God called them to be so. Gideon didn't think he was a general in God's army, but the angel convinced him so. "The Lord is with you mighty warrior!" the angel told him. Abraham, Moses, David, Jeremiah---they all didn't feel apt for the work. Yet undoubtedly, they were God's generals. On the other hand, those who were presumptuous were actually nobodies in the eyes of God. I remember Pharaoh, Korah, King Jeroboam, Haman (in the time of Esther and Mordecai), those who opposed the rebuilding of the temple and walls of Jerusalem, King Zedekiah and those who opposed Jeremiah and thought they heard from God---they all presumed they had God's favor on their side. Yup, even Miriam and Aaron who thought they should be equal with Moses. In the New Testament, the Herods thought t...

Real Generals in the Church

Image from Saatchi Art. Often, when we say "great church leaders" today, we refer to people's visible leadership achievements---ministry size, money, building structure, titles and degrees, possessions---things the flesh appreciates. I very seldom see people refer to deep spiritual qualities. Thus we see "spiritual generals" today. They are leaders who produce what the physical eyes respect. Once upon a time I also saw things in that light. Physical size and quantity determined what I thought pleased God and merited his commendation, "Good and faithful servant." Because that was what we were taught in church. God had nothing to do whatsoever with anything small and simple. It had to be grand and glamorous. But then the Lord started showing me the truth. God's value system is the exact opposite of what the world commends. The least is the greatest. It's there in the Gospel but somehow we always fail to see it for what it really is....

Here's God's Plan on How to Grow Your Church Effectively

Image When we say "God's plan on growing your church effectively," we mean church growth that pleases God because it goes according to his Word. There are 101 ways to grow a church and even turn it into a mega church. Question is, is it done the same way Jesus and the apostles in Acts did church in Scriptures? If not, then it cannot please God, no matter if it has millions of members and income. Only Jesus and his ways can please God. For on (Jesus) God the Father has placed his seal of approval. [John 6.27] So, here are tips on how to make your church pleasing to God so He'd grow it: 1. Be a church deep and rooted in God's Word. And I don't mean do a lot of bible studies or that members should go to seminary or bible school. Be deep and rooted in the spoken Word of God in the bible. Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes out from the mouth (spoken) of God. [Matthew 4] 2. Trash church activities that are p...

The Fierce Spiritual Battle is On

Image Actually, all the end-time scenarios we read in the bible, particularly the prophesies in Daniel, the Gospel, and Revelations, are now starting--especially the great spiritual battle worldwide where Satan aims to launch full-swing deception, even against the elect, if it were possible.  It seems that what most believers are waiting for is some kind of an official announcement that "the battle is now about to start, so get ready." They wait for the anti-Christ to appear and rule the world and the 666 mark to start being imposed--unaware that all these have started to happen already, though not full blast yet.  Here's what I mean. The anti-Christ is already operating in the halls of power in both secular governments and in churches worldwide. If you have spiritual eyes to see, you will easily see this. And the mark 666 is already in operation--though not literally. You see, 666 is man's number. God created man on the 6th day. So, it means m...

Leaving the Land of Slavery: EBook on Genuine Revival and the Glorious Church

Image Finally, the book "Leaving the Land of Slavery" is out for sale online in e-book form. It is about God's formula in the bible on genuine church revival and how the glorious church of Jesus Christ--which is without spot or wrinkle--should be started and operated to build God's Kingdom on earth. To be sure it is radical and contains nothing of the usual. It depicts what churches are today--all man and nothing of God--and how God's genuine church in Christ is yet to be manifested to all since world history began. Fact is, since man took over church from the Acts, we have taken out from the Word it's real supernatural power and have not allowed God's Word and principles to build his church on earth. Everything has been of man and how he adulterated the Word of God to suit his designs and his own ways, building his own empires, which are the denominations. But in these last days, God is going to restore everything back to his will, Word, an...

How to Get Genuinely Strong in Christ

In 1933, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created a fictional hero perfect in strength except for a peculiar weakness when exposed to Kryptonite. If folks like them could imagine such perfect strength, so much so should Jesus believers do--they have the power of the Holy Spirit to keep them from spiritual powerlessness and sin. And that power is real, unlike Superman's. The principle behind getting genuinely strong in Christ is getting genuinely weak in this world. Paul disclosed the secret in these words--God's power is made perfect in weakness. What kind of weakness is this? Is this what you hear some church folks say about not being able to do this or that when assigned a church ministry? Is it the propensity to fall into sin because "we're only humans" and "nobody's perfect"? I've heard this excuse before--"Evangelism is not really for me because I don't have the gift for it. I'm just an ordinary, humble Christian." Is thi...

What Church Revival in PH Will Stop Prophesied Calamities?

I saw the prophesy given by God to an Indian prophet about God's judgment on the Philippines, which were partly fulfilled with the big earthquake in Bohol and Cebu and the Yolanda super typhoon which both hit the country in 2013. Another catastrophe is said to be hovering over the country and set to hit anytime this 2014 if a genuine revival doesn't happen in the Philippines. It's not about a corrupt government needing repentance, but a church badly needing revival. And by "revival" we mean genuine repentance of the church, especially the born again Christian church, in the country. Church denominations have been stealing from God and telling lies to people. I really hope we all get this message clearly. God doesn't just want revival worship services or intercessory prayers for national repentance--He wants true revival that would demolish everything man-made and man-invented in church, primarily church denominationalism. It will be useless for all churc...

Micah: People Willingly Come

God's Flesh:  People came to Jesus of their own volition. Jesus never invited them or promoted his meetings. They just crowded around him wherever he was, pursued him, and that with the Pharisees and Law teachers. When you’re genuinely God’s flesh on earth, you don’t need to promote yourself or your church. God makes things happen so that people notice. In Micah’s time, God told him that when God’s mountain becomes established, people would decide to “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob” (Micah 4.2). In Jesus’ day this was fulfilled initially. One day the Greeks traveled far and wide just to see Jesus (Jn.12). And He said this happened because the hour had come for the Son to be glorified—or for God’s mountain to be established as chief. This cannot happen, said my Jesus, “Unless a kernel of wheat falls and dies.” Nations deciding on their own to go to God’s house cannot happen by man’s efforts, even with his church programs ...

Micah: Baring Foundations

Are you getting comfy about an up and down spiritual life? Think again. When God’s people are disobedient the whole earth is affected. “Hear, everyone who lives on the Earth,” (Micah 1). When bible believers rebel, what can you expect from non believers? The Lord was an angry witness against all earth dwellers. And this was all due to Jacob’s transgression, to Israel’s sin (Micah 1.5). The church being the true Israel of today (Gal.3.7-14), the same principle applies. When the world is in chaos and nature suffers from men’s abuse, the church had better checked its ranks. Sometimes church people denounce government corruption and blame it for God’s ire. Well, they better look at themselves first. Denominationalism, because it runs counter to Jesus’ prayer in John 17 for complete unity, is vile corruption. Sometimes, government reflects the condition the church is in. Baring Foundations In Micah’s time Judah’s spiritual life was fluctuating—going up in Jotham’s ...


Image Funny, but it's possible to be always around Jesus and yet fail to connect with him. You can be right there in the midst of what Jesus is doing--the fascinating Word revelation plus astounding signs and wonders--and yet miss the point altogether. "Anyone who is not with me is against me," he declared in Matt.12.30. When he said, "Anyone who is not with me," he was referring to the Pharisees and Law teachers who were there but were unable to connect. They were there and yet not there. That's what the context says. Jesus freed a demon-possessed synagogue member right in their midst, and they failed to get the point. Oh, don't think, how could these Pharisees not see the obvious? Because many Christians and churches and pastors today likewise have the inability to connect. Even some of those in our HISgroup discipleship. And like their Pharisee and Law teacher counterparts, disconnected "believers" today are solidly bible-b...

A Nation Without Sense

A nation without sense (Deu.32). God was talking about a nation led by no less than Moses, a man who saw God in person. He really saw the invisible God (Heb.11.17). That's being God's flesh! However, God performed awesome wonders for them all in Egypt, in the desert, and in the Promise Land, and yet they were a nation without sense . Amazing. I wonder what becomes of churches led by pastors and leaders who derive authority from mere men's churches? Unlike Moses who derived power and authority straight from God. Their titles and degrees were given to them by man-made institutions. You derive power from who gave you authority. And men's institutions follow a worldly pattern of education, not God's pattern. Thus, its a church without sense. It cannot be God's flesh on earth. When anything is without sense in God's eyes, it means they have not done things in God's ways. God had been urging the Israelites repeatedly to love God, which  meant ...

See God Now!

There's a future time of seeing God. But nonetheless, we should see God now--or we won't see him at all in the future. Whether we see him then depends on whether we see him now. It's something like the sowing principle. What small thing you have now ascertains what you will have and reap in the future. It's not a desire to "want to see God someday;" It's seeing him now. God should be so real in your life right now. He is not just a future or past God--he is very much a present God. A "now" God. In him we move, and talk, and perceive, and understand, and have our being.  The disciples asked Jesus: "Show us the Father." They thought God was still to be seen . To see God now is very important--or you miss all the glory moments. So Jesus answered something like, "You mean, you've been seeing me and yet you still ask to see God?" Sometimes, it's possible to see and yet not see. You drown in all the busy activiti...

The Barren Heights

The barren heights--people in Jeremiah's time made a lot of fuss over it. They thought that just because they made shrines and altars on the heights, they had high spiritual lives. They didn't realize that in God's eyes, they were barren. Being on heights is no guarantee you have the fruits. Fruit is only assured when you deeply understand and live out the Word. "Obey me and I will be your God and you will be my people." Then and now, God's covenant is hinged on the spoken Word. God asked Israel through Jeremiah: "Did I just instruct you about sacrifice and worship when I got you out of Egypt? Don't you know that what matters is obedience to the Word?" Today, the barren heights still stand, erected by stubborn "believers." They focus on the quality of their worship (sound system, voice quality, and liveliness) and the quality of their church worship programs--especially their printed programs. I marvel at the useless attention ...

Pursuing GOD: Accurate Hearts, Quick Response

There was no king like King Josiah--either before him or after him. One of Israel's greatest revivals happened in his reign. Photo above by Jonatan Pie on Unsplash . From the time of Judges, the Passover rites had been terribly neglected. Even great men like Gideon, David, and Samuel the prophet failed to restore the Passover. Idolatry aggravated and accumulated in various forms and fashions until God sent Josiah. It was time for judgment. See that? Josiah was God's blessing to His people, and it was also the time for judging them. Judgment is a blessing. God's judgment is God's blessing The book of the Law was discovered in King Josiah's time (after being lost for generations). When it was read before him by Shaphan the royal secretary, Josiah's heart broke. At once, he took the Law seriously, losing no time. He commanded his royal officials: "Find out what we must do in response" (2 Kings 22). Josiah knew that revelation serves as a warning...