God's FB

God's Blog! When we open a Facebook or blog account we're often careful not to reveal too much of ourselves because of security--there are many hackers or identity thieves out there who mean sure harm. And we're also careful about accepting friends. We'd rather not have strangers comment on our articles or blogs, so we limit comment access. Fact, most FB pages and groups screen incoming members by warning them about negative comments or criticism. I understand that. Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash . But with God it's different. Oh yeah, there's such thing as God's Facebook or God's Blog . It's in the spirit realms, not on cyberspace, but it somewhat looks similar. He also has to worry about security and abuse and identity theft and hacking. So he also exercises caution. So the Holy Spirit provides security checks. No one can enter His Kingdom if one's not born again, for instance. But he doesn't care if some are able to sneak in awhile...