Why Birds Neither Sow nor Reap

Birds love to frolic on our front porch in the early morning, have fun there and sing. Jesus once explained how God wants exactly that for humans, too. Anyway, I like watching birds, being enthralled by their melodious chirps, while I sip coffee and get inspiration for my blog. I think they believe they have a rightful share of my porch, and it seems they see me as a fellow bird 🙌. They use my porch confidently while I'm there sitting quietly. A rightful share. Photo by David Clode on Unsplash . Birds Show God's Design for Daily Life We ought to learn from birds. And Jesus meant it. His parables are not just idle stories to entertain his audience. They help us see how Kingdom principles should easily work in ordinary daily life. In fact, they're so easy we doubt if they'd really work, or if they're all just idle stories. So we play safe and confine his parables to sermon illustrations. Nice examples. Nothing serious. But mind you, his Word on birds and the grass...