Dividing Line Between Genuine Spiritual Discernment and Being Merely Judgmental
Image from Pulpit and Pen. The weakness of the church these days is that it has almost totally done away with spiritual discernment and embraced extreme moral neutrality. It doesn't want to be labeled judgmental so it totally got rid of judgment. You seldom hear the church say plainly what's right or wrong for fear of offending people. In the process, it demonized the word "judgment" with everything bad, forgetting that you can never discern accurately without good judgment, and vice versa. If they find you guilty of judging people, they scorn and ostracize you as "judgmental" (and that in itself is being judgmental, too). But fact is, we need to judge things and people correctly to accurately discern between spirits. Blind Leading the Blind Paul was once pissed off by the Corinthian church for not judging correctly: Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to ...