
Showing posts from October 14, 2018

Residual Blessings in Christ 1

Pexels Whatever good or fun things we have on earth is really but a poor version of what's in heaven. Never think that what we have here are originals. Nope, they first became realities in heaven before some smart guys came up with the ideas here---as God permitted them. Like residual blessings in Christ. Residual income is a big marvel in network marketing. Your account goes on making money for you even when you've stopped working it out. Residual means abiding and enduring. Something keeps being left in your reserve after you've long stopped doing the business. It never ends. But long before it became a reality in network marketing, it's been a reality in Kingdom rewards systems. Through a Glass Darkly Have you noticed how the principle of duplication has become a top strategy in network marketing? Well, long before the computer and the internet came to being, duplication has been used by the Kingdom since creation. Binary, unilevel, points-system or ...

Small is Powerful in Christ

Pexels First, don't get me wrong. I'm not promoting small. I never say don't evangelize. In fact, I always stress Jesus' style of evangelism and discipleship in church. What I'm against is greed and the idea that big alone has God's favor. Share the Gospel all you want, but remember that small is powerful in Christ. Because it's really BIG---CHRIST in you is the hope of glory. The least is the greatest, said Jesus, and what do we consider lagging behind, insignificant or least today? What else but small churches. People think small churches lack favor from God just because they're small and moneyless. But they're moneyless because most big ones are greedy. If we get rid of greed and obey Jesus, all churches (especially moneyed and propertied churches) will give up their wealth and give to poor ones. You Won't See the Kingdom Landscape with Big Kingdom Landscape in the last days. Click here. Then they'll begin to understand ...