
Showing posts from May 1, 2016

When GOD Steps in in Politics

Image Elections are just a few days ahead, and the church, as usual, doesn't know what it should do---though it pretends to. A lot of them join the political circus, thinking they have to "get involved" and be God's representative (whatever that means) in the fanfare, when all it does to them is get divided, ending up fighting each other. The times armies ended up killing each other in the bible was when God fought against them. Anyway, on the other hand, some church people also refuse to get involved because---like those who involve themselves--they, too, really don't know what to do. But they have one common denominator---they think God will involve Himself someway in politics. It was the same thing when Israel was waiting for the coming Messiah---they thought he was going to get involved politically and liberate them from Rome. Jesus never lifted a finger to do it. Instead, he introduced His Kingdom. The Kingdom had its own agenda, ...

GOD's Flesh EBook: Back to God's Original Plan

EBOOK. GOD is spirit--and we are His flesh on earth. It all started with Jesus Christ, the WORD made flesh and dwelt among us. Then he passed on the legacy to his church. The WORD must be made flesh in us, too. The bible says, "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly," [Colossians 3.16]. Get this e-book by emailing at When the WORD is made flesh it reveals God's awesome power and authority encapsulated in a human body, and yet remains truly human, lowly and humble. True meekness is a must in being GOD's fesh, a self-effacing character that draws attention away from itself and directed solely to Jesus. Any sign or hint of self-pride or self-boasting is not God's flesh.  It is carnal flesh. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. [1 John 2.16] Or, "For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything ...

Why Nicodemus Failed to See Even Jesus' Earthly Teachings

Image UNSEEN GOSPEL "I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?" [John 3.12] Being born of water and spirit was something out of this world to Nicodemus, but it was still basic,  earthly teaching as far as Jesus was concerned.  Nicodemus was "Israel's teacher," very knowledgeable in sound bible-based human theology and doctrines. He was an expert actually, probably holding a doctorate degree---and yet he found Jesus' earthly teachings confusing. What more Jesus' heavenly teachings? One good thing about Nicodemus---he wanted to believe, so much so that he risked his life and career when he visited Jesus personally. It was an evil thing for the Sanhedrin to be associated with Jesus. But when he heard a sampling from Jesus, Nicodemus couldn't figure it out: "How can this be?" And it was merely earthly teaching. Why d...