Extreme Prayer, Extreme Believer, Extreme Faith
I want your life, God. That's the whole point of prayer. I want your image in me so when I'm in front of a mirror it's all you I see, especially the mirror that is your Word. So, I want you. I don't even want church--the church men build and do today in your Name. The church that adulterates your Truth to fit their own denominational designs and interests. That's why often, instead of going to man-made churches, I'd rather just look within me where the Kingdom of God is. Now I see why you'd rather go out to remote places and mountainsides alone than fellowship with religious leaders of God's own people in your time. It's not religious pride; it's your propensity as a genuine Kingdom person. You want no less than God, so you walked as God in man on earth, as you also now walk as God in man in me. I'm God's flesh on earth, all by your grace. In you I am perfect, and that perfection makes me so imperfect to the eyes of mere me...