Here's God's Plan on How to Grow Your Church Effectively When we say "God's plan on growing your church effectively," we mean church growth that pleases God because it goes according to his Word. There are 101 ways to grow a church and even turn it into a mega church. Question is, is it done the same way Jesus and the apostles in Acts did church in Scriptures? If not, then it cannot please God, no matter if it has millions of members and income. Only Jesus and his ways can please God. For on (Jesus) God the Father has placed his seal of approval. [John 6.27] So, here are tips on how to make your church pleasing to God so He'd grow it: 1. Be a church deep and rooted in God's Word. And I don't mean do a lot of bible studies or that members should go to seminary or bible school. Be deep and rooted in the spoken Word of God in the bible. Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes out from the mouth (spoken) of God. [Matthew 4] 2. Trash church activities that are p...