Pastoring is NOT Pampering

It's NOT pampering in any sense. Pastoring is leading the flock home after letting it stroll out the pen for a while. Period. No more, no less. That's according to Jesus, our Master. It's definitely not how a lot of pastors do it today, which is pampering . They find out what their church members want or need and carefully make sure they give it to them. So ministry is need-driven (and member-centered), not anymore Spirit-led and Christ-centered. Photo above by Conscious Design on Unsplash . Jesus is the Shepherd and we are appointed as shepherds [1 Peter 5]. And the principle of shepherding in John 10 is that the sheep listen to his voice , not the other way around (it's not Jesus listening to our voice and following us). Neither is it the pastor listening to his members' needs. Pastoring is about minding God's interests alone, not ours or the church members'. Pastors should focus on this. We feed and care for the flock by teaching them to hear and obey H...