The Fierce Spiritual Battle is On Actually, all the end-time scenarios we read in the bible, particularly the prophesies in Daniel, the Gospel, and Revelations, are now starting--especially the great spiritual battle worldwide where Satan aims to launch full-swing deception, even against the elect, if it were possible. It seems that what most believers are waiting for is some kind of an official announcement that "the battle is now about to start, so get ready." They wait for the anti-Christ to appear and rule the world and the 666 mark to start being imposed--unaware that all these have started to happen already, though not full blast yet. Here's what I mean. The anti-Christ is already operating in the halls of power in both secular governments and in churches worldwide. If you have spiritual eyes to see, you will easily see this. And the mark 666 is already in operation--though not literally. You see, 666 is man's number. God created man on the 6th day. So, it means m...