
What You Do When There's Division in the Family

Image We all know that a family divided in schisms is bad news and shouldn't remain like that. In fact, the Master said a house divided against itself will not last. So what do we do? If we're the responsible type of family member, we fix it pronto. We'd do everything, even spend all our money and time, just to put things back together, weld them to permanence, if possible.  Well, there are those who just settle for separation, annulment, or divorce. You mess up family ties and you reap the bad harvest from the bad seed you sow. Broken marriages and families will never amount to the plan or will God wants for you, even if you try to decorate your divorce or annulment with showbiz-style embellishments. The Word says "God hates divorce," and nothing can change that. But some divorce strangely produce lots of money and productive children. Have you noticed it? I've watched several examples featured and promoted on TV. Since their div...

HOW GOD's MOVE BECOMES MAN's RELIGION: How to Preserve God's Moves

Image Ever since, God has been doing moves to fulfill his will--particularly to build His Son's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven through the glorious church of Jesus Christ, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. God does it for his glory. And ever since, man has been taking that glory for himself. Man's religion is all about himself and legitimizes that by using God's Word and God's move. The religion may claim to be of, through, and for God but you see nothing there except man and his will for God. If you're sharp spiritually, it's easy to spot a religion by man even a mile away. It often looks attractive and luring--they do every gimmick to make it seem God is there (to make you feel blessed)--but it's all artificial. If you're a genuine seeker, seek no less than God and what is genuinely his--and preserve it for him. Never use it for your own glory--to advance and promote your church and grow your membership. Since t...

Vision of the Modern Acts Church in the Last Days

Image The Acts church at its best--we will witness this phenomenon in the Last Days before Jesus Christ comes back. The Acts church culture was obliterated by men's denominational churches but God will restore everything as he promised through the prophets [Acts 3.21].  The modern Acts church will not ostensibly display power like mega churches do. In fact, they will meet in small, simple, quiet groups--in quiet homes, rooms, street corners, garages, home rooftops, or cafes--but they are power houses nonetheless, shrouded in seeming weakness--because power is made perfect in weakness. This house churches are powerfully networked together to the Head, but under no denomination or formal alliances. In fact, it will be simply known as a movement (God's present move) of the Holy Spirit whose leaders are not publicly visible. No one personality will be popular here, save Jesus Christ. Look at how they start a "crusade" or "conference." It...

The Fierce Spiritual Battle is On

Image Actually, all the end-time scenarios we read in the bible, particularly the prophesies in Daniel, the Gospel, and Revelations, are now starting--especially the great spiritual battle worldwide where Satan aims to launch full-swing deception, even against the elect, if it were possible.  It seems that what most believers are waiting for is some kind of an official announcement that "the battle is now about to start, so get ready." They wait for the anti-Christ to appear and rule the world and the 666 mark to start being imposed--unaware that all these have started to happen already, though not full blast yet.  Here's what I mean. The anti-Christ is already operating in the halls of power in both secular governments and in churches worldwide. If you have spiritual eyes to see, you will easily see this. And the mark 666 is already in operation--though not literally. You see, 666 is man's number. God created man on the 6th day. So, it means m...

Leaving the Land of Slavery: EBook on Genuine Revival and the Glorious Church

Image Finally, the book "Leaving the Land of Slavery" is out for sale online in e-book form. It is about God's formula in the bible on genuine church revival and how the glorious church of Jesus Christ--which is without spot or wrinkle--should be started and operated to build God's Kingdom on earth. To be sure it is radical and contains nothing of the usual. It depicts what churches are today--all man and nothing of God--and how God's genuine church in Christ is yet to be manifested to all since world history began. Fact is, since man took over church from the Acts, we have taken out from the Word it's real supernatural power and have not allowed God's Word and principles to build his church on earth. Everything has been of man and how he adulterated the Word of God to suit his designs and his own ways, building his own empires, which are the denominations. But in these last days, God is going to restore everything back to his will, Word, an...

Music is the Life of the Church?

I was typing an article while my dear wife was listening to a Christian radio program when the guest said over the radio how music is the life of the church, or something to that effect. He discussed how church should zero in more on music today because God's presence is already felt strongly through music to touch people's lives even before actual church service begins.  We're not just criticizing what church people do here--we believe that faithfulness to God's Word and ways is better than what we think we accomplish in church and in our ministries.  To many church people, "worship" is singing and music. That has been the wrong notion going around for decades now, even centuries perhaps. We think that good church music (and what we mean by "good" is music that "touches" us and makes us cry and go to the altar) is a major part of worship, if not being worship itself. So we see church musicians and worship teams and choir member...

How to Get Genuinely Strong in Christ

In 1933, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created a fictional hero perfect in strength except for a peculiar weakness when exposed to Kryptonite. If folks like them could imagine such perfect strength, so much so should Jesus believers do--they have the power of the Holy Spirit to keep them from spiritual powerlessness and sin. And that power is real, unlike Superman's. The principle behind getting genuinely strong in Christ is getting genuinely weak in this world. Paul disclosed the secret in these words--God's power is made perfect in weakness. What kind of weakness is this? Is this what you hear some church folks say about not being able to do this or that when assigned a church ministry? Is it the propensity to fall into sin because "we're only humans" and "nobody's perfect"? I've heard this excuse before--"Evangelism is not really for me because I don't have the gift for it. I'm just an ordinary, humble Christian." Is thi...