A High Worship Most Displeasing to God
Image from Pinterest. A better perspective for God to look from. It was a silly thing to do because from any angle, wrong is still wrong to God. You can't take him to a "better" place to get a "better" perspective of things and perhaps change his mind. It's even useless to take him somewhere "higher"---like the "top of Peor overlooking the waste land" and at another time on a "barren height"---and try to pretend to be spiritually high to get him to your side. Balak thought God was like that. And most of us often think God is like that. I know church folks who always like to sound spiritual. You see them post nothing on FB, for instance, but spiritual or inspiring posts. To them, spiritual is like that and they think God is pleased with it. But God is pleased solely by faith, and the kind that merely walks with God like Enoch did---not by appearances of spirituality. And "walking" with God means a daily ...