
Seriously, I'm Looking for These People

Image Really, I'm tired of churchy talks and especially about churchy ministries. I've been looking for people who talk about church and ministry as Jesus did. I've been looking around. Honestly--and unfortunately--I haven't seen any. I admit, I've been frustrated about this. I've been wishing to connect and have fellowship with them but I can't find any. There are lots of good pastors and church leaders out there, but I haven't met one who talks of ministry as Jesus did. Church people always talk about their church denomination--how many churches and members they have, what they did, what they accomplished, how many more they aim to have. It's always "our" this and that (admitting it's their empire) and "how many." David counted his troops one day and the Lord's wrath fell on him. Nebuchadnezzar talked about his empire to himself one day, marveling about it, and God sent him to the wilds to live