Kingdom Man
In the last days, God will raise up Kingdom men--in fact, HE is already at it, raising up genuine Kingdom people in inconspicuous nooks and crannies of the earth. They're quietly doing God's will, preaching the Gospel with their lips, lives and God's awesome signs and wonders, yet keeping everything as secret as possible--so that the Father who sees what is done in secret will reward them.
What is a Kingdom man? Well, he looks somewhat like this:
Somewhere in the slums, heaven has chosen a man and raising him up quietly (and there are others like him), like the quiet years of Jesus from ages 12 to 30. This Kingdom man grows up before the Father as Jesus "grew up before Him" [Isaiah 53.2]. All heaven is busy and excited about this man as he matures, especially how he affects his surroundings without effort. Because he lives the LIFE. He simply lets his light shine.
"..the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” [Matthew 4.16].
"..and that LIFE was the light of men." [John 1.4]
Given an open heaven, angels descend and ascend anywhere he is. The man starts talking about God and his Kingdom quietly but passionately, lending listeners with deep revelations they have never heard before, and performing supernatural healing. But he's not a pastor. He shines shoes for a living and that's how people know him. People see him more like a wise, indigenous physician or "manggagamot" in the rustic vernacular, and sometimes deemed a mystic because he commands diseases, nature, demons and objects, and they obey him.
He also sells balut in the evening. He smells terrible because he walks the streets daily under a hot, blazing sun, and his sweat sticks all day long to his body, mixed with all the dusts and pollution he picks up each day. He looks kind-of dirty and rough and unsuitable even for middle class standards. He is far from looking like your usual church minister. He lives in a tattered, roughly improvised dwelling where he lives comfortably and contently. He is a nobody and is unknown in church circles. Like Jesus and some apostles, people think he is "unlearned."
The man doesn't know how to interpret Scriptures systematically, they conclude, and he needs to attend bible school first and learn our bible tools before he could do any ministry, the add. They insist that no one can interpret Scriptures correctly without their human theology or hermeneutics. How about how he does miracles? The experts quickly cite how Jesus warned against signs and wonders attributable to false prophets. To them, any supernatural and instant miracle is false if you're uninitiated in their human theology.
Yet, curiously, they find the Word powerfully and genuinely made flesh in his holy, simple life--like how the Word was supernaturally made flesh in Jesus, serving as a great light in the darkness without much effort. He just naturally glowed with God's light, abundant with the Jesus Life, lowly, meek but clearly equipped with God's authority and power. Something they and their church leaders have never seen.
The sick are made well supernaturally and instantly. "What is a Kingdom man?" he asks them. "A Kingdom man is one who does exactly what the Master did." He says it almost in a whisper, while touching the ears of a deaf person and murmuring strange words afterwards. "Exactly," he repeats with emphasis. "Nothing more, nothing less," he adds shortly, talking to no one in particular. "The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." A demon-possessed person tried to interrupt him but he commanded it sharply. "Stop!" and it did.
Periodically, those who go to his radical Word studies and healing sessions report seeing angels suddenly appearing in his house. Sometimes, they see angels sitting on his roof. Sometimes, they catch a glimpse of angels gliding by. Word on this spreads around. The sick and demon-possessed are healed! Angels appear! The Kingdom man is sometimes seen talking with Moses and Elijah in his kitchen!
Some people suggest now and then about a change of venue--somewhere comfy and classy (someone is willing to sponsor all expenses if the man agrees to have the sessions in a posh hotel or auditorium, or else have a shrine or mega church built for the man's ministry) but this Kingdom man merely ignores everything. Then says matter-of-factly, "If you don't like it here, fine. The door is wide open. You may look for another."
This Kingdom man is not rich, but neither is he poor. He NEVER begs, unlike churches and denominations that often ask for donations and solicitations (sometimes scandalously). They lure people to pledge amounts. But not him. He lives an extremely and radically simple life, yet feeds the hungry--often thousands of them--without help from "sponsors" who will later try to manipulate him. He says, "All things are yours--you can have everything--if you possess nothing."
Many people come to see him daily, but very few dare become his disciples. Gradually, this shoe-repair man builds a ministry. He doesn't go house to house to invite people to his bible studies or prayer meetings. He has none of that. He never tries to attract people to come to him. Everything just happens. No planned programs or 5-year planning. It is all Spirit led. It is all God doing the work through him. People come to him each day to listen and get healed, even while he often lambasts them about their rotting spiritual condition and hypocrisy--especially the religious leaders.
It is obvious, however, that he talks more gently to the marginalized--especially to the poor and the genuinely repentant. Now and then, a soul decides to give up everything and follow Jesus through him, and then pursues hard to be his disciple. He always urges them to continue in the faith but he never pursues after them. He's never eager to grab people into his membership (because there is no church membership), though he is compassionate.
Then he gets invited to speak in a crusade in a huge venue--a basketball stadium seating 50,000 people. He tells them to wait. After a month, he agrees. The stadium is full packed--not to mention the people outside and those in the streets around the stadium, all hungering and expecting to experience Jesus. Media people and the police estimate a million people. Everything is ready--except that the man of God is still nowhere in sight.
Two minutes before the program starts, the Kingdom man arrives with his disciples. They commuted from his place--took a tricycle and jeepney and walked to the stadium. He wears a plain, old white shirt and maong jeans. He is handed the program, but smiles and ignores it. He goes straight to the mic--even before opening prayer or worship begins--and starts ministering. He goes to the crowd and touches the sick (while murmuring prayers and commanding spirits firmly), as he speaks casually about Jesus to the audience. His Master Jesus. He worships as he speaks and ministers and people hear unique Word revelations and insights from his lips, things they have never thought possible in the Kingdom.
After he finishes, he simply thanks the Father (people swear they heard thunder), and goes home, walking and commuting, mixing with ordinary commuters and pedestrians. Some say angels appeared on sidewalks where he walked or in public vehicles he rode in.
What is a Kingdom man? A Kingdom man is somewhat like the above--probably weirder. Very much like my Jesus. God will raise up men and women and ministries like the above in the last days--nobodies who simply love Jesus. Nobodies who have nothing except Jesus and work solely for the Kingdom.
There are no promotions or advertisements of any kind on radio or TV--not even a tarpaulin sign announcing his ministry or leafleting--like how churches introduce themselves to the community with concerts, relief goods, or medical missions. People just flock and crowd round the man's little shanty house. Soon, posh cars and vans park in front of his house, and people line up almost a mile long just to have an audience with him and get healed. This Kingdom man teaches his disciples in his humble home as multitudes gather outside in hopes of catching a word or two. Politicians also start visiting to get their pictures taken with him and displaying them to the public, to possibly earn their trust come election time. But this Kingdom man sternly refuses.

He pays no attention about who they are--it's on a first-come-first-serve basis. Even mayors, governors, senators, business tycoons, and industrialists have to line up to be prayed for or healed. One touch from him and pains and diseases flee--like how Jesus and his apostles did it.
Nobody is invited. No one is followed up. They all have to pursue hard after the Kingdom man--just like how people pursued after Jesus. But it wasn't really the Kingdom man but the Jesus they see in him.
In his healing sessions, he often casually talks about Jesus, his Master. Everything is casual and informal. Everything kind of just happens. Oh, how the wicked and the rich and the corrupt and church people get seared by his fiery words and comments--gently said, not bombastic, yet caustic nonetheless--and how most church people and leaders hate him for it. He doesn't care one bit who gets hit with what he says. He declares truth without compromise. Many say he's too judgmental and has an air of holier-than-thou attitude about him. But he doesn't care what people think.
In his healing sessions, he often casually talks about Jesus, his Master. Everything is casual and informal. Everything kind of just happens. Oh, how the wicked and the rich and the corrupt and church people get seared by his fiery words and comments--gently said, not bombastic, yet caustic nonetheless--and how most church people and leaders hate him for it. He doesn't care one bit who gets hit with what he says. He declares truth without compromise. Many say he's too judgmental and has an air of holier-than-thou attitude about him. But he doesn't care what people think.

It's funny how you can see people from all walks of life--government officials, rich people, palace people, people of the slums, showbiz people and their fans, religious and church leaders, news teams, vendors, etc., all lining up under the heat of the sun in the grimy and smelly place where he lives. They have different motives--some are hungering for more, some asking for blessings, while others needing miracles, or watching for an opportunity to "expose" the man's supposed scams.
Some people suggest now and then about a change of venue--somewhere comfy and classy (someone is willing to sponsor all expenses if the man agrees to have the sessions in a posh hotel or auditorium, or else have a shrine or mega church built for the man's ministry) but this Kingdom man merely ignores everything. Then says matter-of-factly, "If you don't like it here, fine. The door is wide open. You may look for another."
This Kingdom man is not rich, but neither is he poor. He NEVER begs, unlike churches and denominations that often ask for donations and solicitations (sometimes scandalously). They lure people to pledge amounts. But not him. He lives an extremely and radically simple life, yet feeds the hungry--often thousands of them--without help from "sponsors" who will later try to manipulate him. He says, "All things are yours--you can have everything--if you possess nothing."
Many people come to see him daily, but very few dare become his disciples. Gradually, this shoe-repair man builds a ministry. He doesn't go house to house to invite people to his bible studies or prayer meetings. He has none of that. He never tries to attract people to come to him. Everything just happens. No planned programs or 5-year planning. It is all Spirit led. It is all God doing the work through him. People come to him each day to listen and get healed, even while he often lambasts them about their rotting spiritual condition and hypocrisy--especially the religious leaders.
It is obvious, however, that he talks more gently to the marginalized--especially to the poor and the genuinely repentant. Now and then, a soul decides to give up everything and follow Jesus through him, and then pursues hard to be his disciple. He always urges them to continue in the faith but he never pursues after them. He's never eager to grab people into his membership (because there is no church membership), though he is compassionate.
Then he gets invited to speak in a crusade in a huge venue--a basketball stadium seating 50,000 people. He tells them to wait. After a month, he agrees. The stadium is full packed--not to mention the people outside and those in the streets around the stadium, all hungering and expecting to experience Jesus. Media people and the police estimate a million people. Everything is ready--except that the man of God is still nowhere in sight.
Two minutes before the program starts, the Kingdom man arrives with his disciples. They commuted from his place--took a tricycle and jeepney and walked to the stadium. He wears a plain, old white shirt and maong jeans. He is handed the program, but smiles and ignores it. He goes straight to the mic--even before opening prayer or worship begins--and starts ministering. He goes to the crowd and touches the sick (while murmuring prayers and commanding spirits firmly), as he speaks casually about Jesus to the audience. His Master Jesus. He worships as he speaks and ministers and people hear unique Word revelations and insights from his lips, things they have never thought possible in the Kingdom.
After he finishes, he simply thanks the Father (people swear they heard thunder), and goes home, walking and commuting, mixing with ordinary commuters and pedestrians. Some say angels appeared on sidewalks where he walked or in public vehicles he rode in.
What is a Kingdom man? A Kingdom man is somewhat like the above--probably weirder. Very much like my Jesus. God will raise up men and women and ministries like the above in the last days--nobodies who simply love Jesus. Nobodies who have nothing except Jesus and work solely for the Kingdom.
Are you ready?