The "Experts"
There's nothing they don't know about,
and they make sure everybody knows it.
The experts. They know everything--they passed through the phases of formal, systematic learning in prestigious human institutions. They have the titles and degrees to show for it. They have been doing the job for years--being "experts"--and feel they have sole authority because of their titles and degrees. They alone know what is right and wrong. They have the license to teach people, whether they like it or not.
The experts religiously follow to the letter the established system, what their educational institutions taught them. The system gave them their expertise and authority. They believe the system works--it's been proven--and it is definitely the answer to all the problems. The system has grown big churches through the centuries, produced great theologians and popular seminaries. Generated big church incomes, too. There can be no other. They are the experts--we should all learn from them. That's what they assume.
I thoroughly enjoyed the story of Patch Adams--the radical medical practitioner who introduced a radical way of treating patients. He was lambasted by traditional colleagues because of his very different treatment style and almost defiant way of practicing his profession. He maintained that doctors ought to help patients enjoy life amid ailments, not just treat them.
The experts religiously follow to the letter the established system, what their educational institutions taught them. The system gave them their expertise and authority. They believe the system works--it's been proven--and it is definitely the answer to all the problems. The system has grown big churches through the centuries, produced great theologians and popular seminaries. Generated big church incomes, too. There can be no other. They are the experts--we should all learn from them. That's what they assume.
They created this little world of theirs and want us all to join them as their subjects. They want us to understand everything from their point of view--from their human theology and philosophy--and keep us there. They insist (and scare us) that beyond their little world there is nothing. "Our theology is god, and apart from it there is no other."
So they mock and belittle supernatural revelation from the Holy Spirit because it does not come from their theology.
But Jesus refused to learn from the experts of his time. He had an entirely different way of seeing things. He taught people things that challenged the system that the experts created and worshipped--and they were astonished and irritated at the same time. He said they had all the correct teachings from Scripture but saw them in a bad light, never following what the law really meant. They always preferred their system, even way back from the Old Testament.
But Jesus refused to learn from the experts of his time. He had an entirely different way of seeing things. He taught people things that challenged the system that the experts created and worshipped--and they were astonished and irritated at the same time. He said they had all the correct teachings from Scripture but saw them in a bad light, never following what the law really meant. They always preferred their system, even way back from the Old Testament.
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They claimed there was only one way--their way--and everyone believed them for centuries, until Jesus came. If Jesus had learned from the experts, he would have ended up carrying the titles and degrees they had invented for their religion. Today, he would probably insist on being called "Dr. Bishop Rev. Jesus." Back then, he would have been as systematic as they were--as programmed as they were. Like Nicodemus was.
Nicodemus grew up in the system. He was systematic and programed--so, he didn't understand the Kingdom concept of soaring free--"the wind blows wherever it wills." He asked, "How can this be?" though he was Israel's titled and degreed teacher. Learning from the religious system of men forfeited him of understanding Kingdom concepts. That's what all human theologies and religions do to you.
The "bible-believing" experts (that's what they thought they were) fought Jesus hard--even killed him in the end (though they were excitedly waiting for the Messiah to come and save them). Experts always do that--they stick to their system even if they see its decadence, mock anyone who challenges it and then kill a genuine move of God. Experts today are worse than their counterparts in Jesus' time. This is because Jesus said men and their intricate systems will just get from bad to worse.
They claimed there was only one way--their way--and everyone believed them for centuries, until Jesus came. If Jesus had learned from the experts, he would have ended up carrying the titles and degrees they had invented for their religion. Today, he would probably insist on being called "Dr. Bishop Rev. Jesus." Back then, he would have been as systematic as they were--as programmed as they were. Like Nicodemus was.
Nicodemus grew up in the system. He was systematic and programed--so, he didn't understand the Kingdom concept of soaring free--"the wind blows wherever it wills." He asked, "How can this be?" though he was Israel's titled and degreed teacher. Learning from the religious system of men forfeited him of understanding Kingdom concepts. That's what all human theologies and religions do to you.
The "bible-believing" experts (that's what they thought they were) fought Jesus hard--even killed him in the end (though they were excitedly waiting for the Messiah to come and save them). Experts always do that--they stick to their system even if they see its decadence, mock anyone who challenges it and then kill a genuine move of God. Experts today are worse than their counterparts in Jesus' time. This is because Jesus said men and their intricate systems will just get from bad to worse.
Like it or not, today they have devised their own system of born-again Christianity.
The spirit of Pharisaicalism is alive today, and Pharisaical experts man their posts in the modern church zealously. They reject and trash every radical move of GOD, whether new or contrary to their system--because radical moves from God threaten their religions, systems and theologies and they do not want their comfort zones disturbed.
Jesus once told of a parable: a vineyard was left to the experts by the owner. The owner left for a far away country and sent His servants now and then to collect his harvest. The experts shooed them off--persecuted or killed them. When they saw the Son, they killed him so they could take the vineyard for themselves. They wanted to own the harvest and the vineyard. "This is the son--the heir," they said, "let's kill him." Anything that looks as genuinely and as radical as Jesus, they reject, and kill.
The spirit of Pharisaicalism is alive today, and Pharisaical experts man their posts in the modern church zealously. They reject and trash every radical move of GOD, whether new or contrary to their system--because radical moves from God threaten their religions, systems and theologies and they do not want their comfort zones disturbed.
Jesus once told of a parable: a vineyard was left to the experts by the owner. The owner left for a far away country and sent His servants now and then to collect his harvest. The experts shooed them off--persecuted or killed them. When they saw the Son, they killed him so they could take the vineyard for themselves. They wanted to own the harvest and the vineyard. "This is the son--the heir," they said, "let's kill him." Anything that looks as genuinely and as radical as Jesus, they reject, and kill.
Man, even some churches, will keep getting worse--and will be at their worst when they see the Son in the last days. Why? They want to have God's church for themselves and hate the Son because his truth runs contrary to their systems and doctrines. They'd want to preserve their denominations rather than give up everything and let Jesus reign.
I thoroughly enjoyed the story of Patch Adams--the radical medical practitioner who introduced a radical way of treating patients. He was lambasted by traditional colleagues because of his very different treatment style and almost defiant way of practicing his profession. He maintained that doctors ought to help patients enjoy life amid ailments, not just treat them.
What Adams is to the medical field, lots of radical Jesus followers are to the church. I recommend reading Adams' book and watching his DVD. I think they are a must for radical Jesus disciples.
If you have difficulties claiming God's supernatural promises in the bible and you want powerful miracles to happen in your life and ministry the way they did to Jesus, this e-book can help you. Your purchase will help my ministry. Click link below for details: