The Resurrected Life: Why You Can't Afford Not to Believe in the Supernatural
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Jesus' resurrection--it was the first in the world. It was purely supernatural. And that resurrection is part of a believer's daily life. Resurrection is right NOW and yet to come. And it's purely supernatural. This is why you cannot afford not to believe that the supernatural still happens everyday. Resurrection is not just a decision to change for the better because you're now a regular church person. It's a supernatural transformation only God can effect in you.
The Father could've willed to experience it himself but delegated it to His Son, Jesus Christ. It's an incredible way of transforming body, soul and spirit to the highest level of restoration after death. Before this, God, was spirit and Jesus was the spoken Word yet to be made flesh. People then thought that God's awesome power had been displayed in its fullest through the signs and wonders that accompanied Moses and the other prophets. Little did they know that the best was yet to come.
When you receive Jesus as your own Savior and Lord, God's spoken Word begins to live in you and effects initial resurrection in you in ever-increasing glory daily. The Word becomes flesh in you, too. It's all supernatural.
There is nothing as powerful as the "Word made flesh" and dwelling among men. It demolished the kingdom of darkness for good, made a surefire dreadful end of Satan and his minions. "Word made flesh" and dwelling among men is the main point of God's plan from Genesis to Revelation, his very reason for dying on the cross. The grand plan for this had been finished even before the foundation of the world. It has been an eternal plan.
There is nothing as powerful as the "Word made flesh" and dwelling among men. It demolished the kingdom of darkness for good, made a surefire dreadful end of Satan and his minions. "Word made flesh" and dwelling among men is the main point of God's plan from Genesis to Revelation, his very reason for dying on the cross. The grand plan for this had been finished even before the foundation of the world. It has been an eternal plan.
When Jesus was born (and more so after his resurrection), God became spirit and flesh--specifically, a spiritual body after his resurrection. It was a new and radical concept--the resurrected life. It's the advanced phase of God's flesh. All heaven was extremely excited about it. The angels were simply awed by the idea.
It had flesh, it ate food, was seen by human eyes, could be touched, had wounds, yet it was a perfect spiritual body that could perform supernatural feats--like suddenly appearing and disappearing at will, appearing simultaneously to hundreds of people at the same time (specific multiple presence, which is different from omnipresence), and going through walls and closed doors. It reminds you of those born of the Spirit--like the wind that blows wherever it wills.
I can imagine how the spiritual body can fly, travel around the universe in the wink of an eye, transcend through earthly and heavenly dimensions in a split second (even travel to different spirit dimensions on different levels), and create and re-create worlds and realities--all because of God being 100 percent in it through the power of the Holy Spirit. It's not yet true with us today--although it can begin right now. We may start living in its threshold, if we're willing to accept it--as John the Baptist was the Elijah that was to come, if the Jews were willing to accept it.
Thus, we should live the resurrected life--God's flesh--now, made possible by the simple fact that Jesus lives in us 100 percent! That's Word made flesh on another level. But it should never be lived through our own efforts. In fact, being active in church or earning religious titles and degrees has nothing to do with it. It's all supernatural.
The resurrected life is powerful--even as we live it now in its initial stages. It can shake worlds, split them apart or turn them upside down. It can even split churches apart, especially when those who understand and experience the resurrected life are opposed by those who don't and can't. Jesus praised the Father for hiding these things to the wise and learned of this world and revealing them to little children.
Unfortunately, many in church today are strangers to it--a life of being God's flesh on earth--because they are misled and deceived by human theologies and religions passed off as "born again." They are idol shrines masked as "God's will." Anything against the LIFE is demonic. And the LIFE cannot be possible without being supernatural. Human ingenuity and theology cannot produce the LIFE. As long as you remain in man-made religions, all you have is a mundane life that is religious at best, but has no weight whatsoever in the spirit realms. This spirit keeps you blind to the truth, especially to the resurrected life that should be active in you now.
It all begins with our union with GOD in this life through the Holy Spirit who is a "deposit" guaranteeing our inheritance. Having the Spirit as "deposit" in us is in itself awesomely awesome. And then we're resurrected, not just after we die physically, but right now! Resurrection begins NOW. With that, we are presently seated with Christ on his throne. Just try to imagine that, seated with Christ in heaven, being co-heirs with Christ. Do you realize what these things can do to us today?
It had flesh, it ate food, was seen by human eyes, could be touched, had wounds, yet it was a perfect spiritual body that could perform supernatural feats--like suddenly appearing and disappearing at will, appearing simultaneously to hundreds of people at the same time (specific multiple presence, which is different from omnipresence), and going through walls and closed doors. It reminds you of those born of the Spirit--like the wind that blows wherever it wills.
I can imagine how the spiritual body can fly, travel around the universe in the wink of an eye, transcend through earthly and heavenly dimensions in a split second (even travel to different spirit dimensions on different levels), and create and re-create worlds and realities--all because of God being 100 percent in it through the power of the Holy Spirit. It's not yet true with us today--although it can begin right now. We may start living in its threshold, if we're willing to accept it--as John the Baptist was the Elijah that was to come, if the Jews were willing to accept it.
Thus, we should live the resurrected life--God's flesh--now, made possible by the simple fact that Jesus lives in us 100 percent! That's Word made flesh on another level. But it should never be lived through our own efforts. In fact, being active in church or earning religious titles and degrees has nothing to do with it. It's all supernatural.
The resurrected life is powerful--even as we live it now in its initial stages. It can shake worlds, split them apart or turn them upside down. It can even split churches apart, especially when those who understand and experience the resurrected life are opposed by those who don't and can't. Jesus praised the Father for hiding these things to the wise and learned of this world and revealing them to little children.
Unfortunately, many in church today are strangers to it--a life of being God's flesh on earth--because they are misled and deceived by human theologies and religions passed off as "born again." They are idol shrines masked as "God's will." Anything against the LIFE is demonic. And the LIFE cannot be possible without being supernatural. Human ingenuity and theology cannot produce the LIFE. As long as you remain in man-made religions, all you have is a mundane life that is religious at best, but has no weight whatsoever in the spirit realms. This spirit keeps you blind to the truth, especially to the resurrected life that should be active in you now.
It all begins with our union with GOD in this life through the Holy Spirit who is a "deposit" guaranteeing our inheritance. Having the Spirit as "deposit" in us is in itself awesomely awesome. And then we're resurrected, not just after we die physically, but right now! Resurrection begins NOW. With that, we are presently seated with Christ on his throne. Just try to imagine that, seated with Christ in heaven, being co-heirs with Christ. Do you realize what these things can do to us today?
And some church smart Alecks still have the guts to say that everything supernatural has stopped in our time. They insist that there are no more miracles and signs and wonders.
Ask anyone who enthrones human intellect--especially the theologians and church philosophers---and they'll laugh at you for taking the resurrected life too seriously. But truth is, we have been resurrected and glorified and seated with Christ in heaven now as we live life on earth, though all these are also yet to happen in the future.
What's the initial stage? A body uncontaminated by anything that hinders perfect holiness.
Once you get a foretaste of the resurrected life, you shun all other things in this world and see them as lower forms of creation--yes, even human theology that man invented and takes so much pride in.
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, [Ephesians 2.6]
Everything is in the past tense. Meaning, it has happened and still going on and be perfected in the future. Another passage on our resurrection with Christ:
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. [Colossians 3]
And our predestination to glory:
And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. [Romans 8.30]They're all in the past tense. They already happened and they're yet to happen at the same time. Once you start living eternal life, your spiritual experiences know no bound. It's all supernatural from first to last, from start to finish. You're not limited by space or time. We're not yet in our glorified bodies, and yet in a sense we can start having them in their initial "earthly" stages if our faith can handle it. If we're willing to accept it. According to your faith it will be done to you.
What's the initial stage? A body uncontaminated by anything that hinders perfect holiness.
Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. [2 Corinthians 7]The Holy Spirit alone can build this resurrected life in us. God's flesh has progressive stages that move from glory to glory as we, with unveiled faces, contemplate God's glory. The resurrected life can do astounding feats in the spirit that human flesh can never comprehend and believe, unless that flesh is God's flesh.
Once you get a foretaste of the resurrected life, you shun all other things in this world and see them as lower forms of creation--yes, even human theology that man invented and takes so much pride in.