Jesus Was a Great Critic

Jesus was a great critic. In fact, he is the greatest critic ever. Why? Because he was a critic who was never guilty of what he criticized about. He taught that before you try to clean the speck of dust in your brother's eye, make sure you are living a holy life. Then you may criticize.

People ignorant of Jesus say criticism is bad. They tag it as being holier-than-thou or being judgmental. They support this by quoting Jesus' "Do not judge." That verse is among the most used verse out of context. If we read the whole thing, it says that before you judge make sure you are not guilty of sin. If you are clean, then you may proceed to take out the speck of dust from your brother's eye. "Judge correctly," my Jesus said in John 7.24.

Look at how Jesus criticized the Pharisees and Law teachers: Hypocrites! Brood of vipers! You fools! Woe to you! Just look at Matthew 23. Jesus was a great critic. And not only that--he also judged and condemned. Preachers say we should never judge or condemn sinners. This is the reason why the church has been so powerless through the years. Any wicked sinner today can join the church, be recognized and rewarded for "faithfulness" and be voted to a high church position and gain power and even kick out the pastor later. I've witnessed how the wicked even become pastors and titled reverend doctors. 

The Acts Church was a Great Critic

All the above is because the church cannot see anymore that Jesus was a great critic. The church has lost the spiritual gift of discernment and prophecy and thus also lost the power to criticize, judge, and condemn as the Spirit leads. Look at how Peter judged and condemned a new believer: "You may die and rot with your money because you're trying to buy your way to Spirit power (and church position). You have no part or share in this church because your heart is not right in God's are full of bitterness and devoted to sin."

In another instance, the apostles condemned all the people, saying that they all murdered Jesus Christ because they were all stiff-necked like their fathers were. Jesus and his church in Acts were so powerful because they criticized, judged, and condemned. Jesus was a great critic.

But A Critical Spirit is a Demon

But having a critical spirit is something else. It just loves to find fault and destroy people. A critical spirit has no real holiness--it is often guilty of sin while it criticizes--and does not present Jesus and the ways of Jesus as the solution to all problems. It just nags, period. When you criticize like Jesus, you criticize everything of the world and anything that is not of Jesus. Jesus is the only Way. All other way or ways must be cruelly criticized, just like what my Jesus did. "Walk in all the ways I command you that everything will be in order...but you just followed your own stubborn ways, according to the ways of men with evil you keep going backwards. You're primitive," (Jer.7.23-24).
Jesus was a great critic. And criticizing like my Jesus will hurt lots of church people and leaders, especially those who love flaunting their denominations and degrees and titles around, and who are active and dedicated in their church service. But Jesus' criticism, judgment, and condemnation is God's love for us--he doesn't want us deceived and he wants us strong and pure.
