The Secret Place
Today, almost everyone is talking about God's secret place. I hope we all know where it is. Most Christians know the procedures on how to be a member of a local church, know the policies and doctrines of their denominations, but they don't know God's secret place--the secret place. It's secret but it's clearly specified in Scriptures.
To be sure, you cannot claim to go to the secret place if you're not deeply grounded in the Word. I hear lots of church goers claim they know God's secret place and yet have no deep love for the Word. A secret road leads to the secret place, and that road is narrow--only a few choose it because the majority opts for the wide road to destruction. I see people who have lackadaisical spiritual lives talking about their "experience" in God's secret place.
The secret place is not a playground where anyone can go and be entertained. Some claim that you just have to worship expressively--shout and cry--to be able to go there. Worshipers like that may enter His gates with thanksgiving and enter His courts with praise. That's okay. But to enter God's secret place is a different thing altogether. His secret place and His gates and courts are different places. The goal should be to enter and stay in His secret place.
It's easy to enter the gates and courts. For instance, I can enter the gate of a church but never meet the pastor inside. I may enter the gate but never get to see the dining or family room of the pastor. To be able to do that I must be the pastor's confidant or close friend. Jesus defines his real friends this way: "You are my friends IF YOU DO WHATEVER I COMMAND YOU," (Jn.15.14). You're a friend if you are deep in the Word, if you live out the Word. Because the Word is Jesus Christ.
What is the Secret Place For?
Psalm 31 says God will hide the true believer in His secret place "to keep him from the plots of man."
I see two things here: First, the secret place is for those who are persecuted because they are deep in the Word (deep in Jesus) and live it out. Second, God's hiding place is for us to be untainted by anything of man. Anything human, anything of the flesh, fails.