Accurate Kingdom Building: The Tabernacle
...fasten the curtains together so that the tabernacle is a unit. (Exo.26)
The Ark, Table, Lampstand, and Altar were housed in the tabernacle. Here we see what God wants for our bodies, and the Body of Christ. All the priesthood did was to keep the tabernacle (and later the temple) kept according to God's detailed instructions, the rhema Word. This is a vital concept in evangelism, discipleship, and fathering.
As long as the mind of Christ (Ark), the fresh Word of his presence (Bread), the very Life of Jesus (Lampstand), and easy access to the Throne (Altar) reign in your body and life, God is pleased. This is the only thing that matters--God reigning. The rest--denominational church programs and activities and church planning or planting and ego-feeding titles, degrees, and church positions--is garbage and serves only to please men.
5 Main Concerns
There were 5 main concerns in building the tabernacle:
1. The tabernacle itself
2. The tent over it
3. The frames and crossbars
4. The shielding curtain
5. The entrance
The Tabernacle
- This represented the inner man--the soul and spirit. Everything in it was of pure gold, the best for God. It was shielded from the outside with curtains and coverings because anything that happened in it was only for the priests to see. All the crowd saw was the fence surrounding the tabernacle and its courts. Sure, the crowd saw the awesome cloud and fire descend on the tabernacle--and the sight incited deep reverent fear in the people. But what occurred inside the tabernacle was more important. The great display of wonders outside depended on the quality of work inside the tabernacle. Are you just part of the crowd or do you see what goes on inside?
- Many worshipers today enjoy great and lively worship and yet remain part of the crowd, viewing everything from the outside. Sometimes, even the worship leader or pastor belong to the crowd. The crowd just relies on the physical and the emotions--the fleshly realms. They are touched by God or blessed, but the experience is mere earthly.
- Close-in worshipers, with the priestly anointing, who see and experience what's really going on in the Spirit, worship inside the Holy Place. They worship in Spirit and in Truth. They have their lampstand, altar, and bread of the presence working intact, daily, not just on Sundays.
- But in-God worshipers, with the high-priestly or kingly anointing, worship inside the Holy of Holies. This was where Jesus, the High Priest and King, went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not man-made (Heb.9.11). This is what the new covenant (Heb.9.15) and the new order (Heb.9.10) are all about. To be an in-God worshiper (you are inside God) is to be totally rid of anything man-made. It is all spiritual. Many churches and pastors today refuse to believe in it being all-spiritual. They insist that there has to be human effort in it. Thus, they remain part of the crowd, viewing only the result, not being part of the Source.
- In-God worshipers are not particular anymore about the place of worship--they worship neither on this or that mountain (what denominational church you are in is utterly immaterial). All they need to do is to keep still and know that I am God and they immediately soar with wings like eagles and have in-depth worship as deep calls unto deep. They easily enter and penetrate God's heart--at the wink of an eye, like rapture. The crowd cannot worship without a church building, air-con system, sound system, a program, and the latest pop music—with prolonged, repeated choruses just to enter God’s presence. They need their flesh comfortable before they can worship God properly. They have to keep repeating choruses to somehow enter God's presence--tiring themselves in human effort just to reach the Kingdom's gate and courts. Yet, they have not entered the tabernacle--so they have to keep shouting to make their voices heard in the Holy of Holies. When you are in the Holy of Holies, a mere sigh or whisper suffices because conversation with God is infinitesimally intimate.
- Many of today's churches and pastors serve at a sanctuary that is only a copy and shadow of what is in heaven (Heb.8.5). In-God worshipers, because of Jesus in them, receive a worship ministry that is superior than the crowd worship system (Heb.8.6). They worship right inside the Kingdom, in heaven--not just a copy or shadow. This superior ministry is not based on human regulations (human theology or denominational doctrine or manual) but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life (Heb.7.16). This is priesthood in the order of Melchizedek--based on the indestructible LIFE of Jesus--the Ark, Bread of presence, lampstand, and altar. He came that we may have life, abundantly.
The Tent Over the Tabernacle
This represents our physical covering--the flesh, the outer man. Even our flesh should be subjected to God's Will. The spirit, soul, and body should be sanctified. The flesh should become God's flesh on earth. Very few understand the principle of God’s flesh.
Jesus said the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. The flesh mentioned here is the flesh that must turn into God's flesh. It's not man's flesh which is carnal. Jesus will never make carnal flesh strong. He wants carnal flesh to die. God's flesh cries out for the living God (Ps.84.2). Carnal flesh cries out for other things.
Over the tent were yet two layers of covering--of ram skins dyed red and hides of sea cows or dugong. These coverings made sure the divine happenings inside the tabernacle were kept within the curtains--nothing seen from the outside.
Covering is important. To protect the flesh and keep it always as God's flesh, divine covering is vital. One covering is the blood of Jesus (ram skin dyed red) and the other is the thick presence of the Holy Spirit (the thick sea cow skin). To have these coverings we need a genuinely anointed man of God over our lives, as Moses was over the Israelites, who would always set up the tabernacle according to the pattern or plan shown on the mountain (Exo.26.30).

Definitely, this is not a denominational leader. Denominations serve man's will and do things in man's ways, always misusing the bible for a biblical image. The leadership should be derived from the present move of God---prophetic-apostolic---of the order of Melchizedek, without any trace that is of man.
Frames and Crossbars
Make upright frames, God told Moses. Our spiritual frame should be righteousness. The frames and crossbars of the tabernacle were proportionate--accurately balanced--to hold the whole tent. The frames and crossbars gave form and definition to the tent. Righteousness should support and define our outer lives.
The bases of the frames and crossbars were of silver. Gold should not touch earth. Silver would do. Gold is best; silver is second best. The frames and crossbars were wrapped in pure gold. Our righteousness should not touch worldliness in any way. When we have to touch ground, we use silver--which are the better things. Good (symbolized by bronze) and better things (silver) in life apply only to this world and are dispensable (worth throwing or giving up)---material possessions, titles, positions, success, promotions, the like. Gold is for God.

Even the frames and crossbars were overlaid with pure gold. And what better frames and crossbars to form our lives with than the Jesus cross? That makes them of pure gold!
The Shielding Curtain
Curtains in the temple, especially the shielding curtain that separated the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place, were of blue, purple, and scarlet. Blue and purple symbolize royalty and majesty, but scarlet represents the cross.
In Christ, we must learn how to exercise both kingship and servanthood. We should learn and exercise our kingship rights in the spirit, at the same time that we learn and apply servile meekness in the natural--doing this with the cunning of a serpent and innocence of a dove.
Mastery of this combination ushers us, first, into the Holy Place, and later into the Holy of Holies. Being like Christ in his Godliness and humanity is the key to enjoying entrance into God's secret chamber. This unique Kingdom character also shields or protects us from the awesome deadly power of God's presence against life inaccuracies.
The Entrance
At the entrance, blue, purple, and scarlet continued to be seen, with posts and hooks wrapped and made of pure gold, respectively. Yet at the bases of the posts, we begin to see the use of bronze.
Entry into the Holy Place began the overwhelming sight of gold and the start of the cessation of bronze elements. To enter into God's presence, we need to start quitting being contented with bronze and opting for nothing less than gold. Once inside the tabernacle, we have to use silver to even touch earth with. Once inside, bronze would not do when touching ground.
As we enter the threshold of the tabernacle, we enter kingship and servanthood, and we leave behind anything of bronze. Knowing how these Kingdom elements work in the spirit dimension is vital in being God’s flesh on earth.