Disciple All Nations: The Quality of Increase God Wants
Flesh is all for numerical increase. We need to share the Gospel to as many. We
need to work with God to increase the number of people getting saved and
joining the church. We need more evangelism and we need to go all out
particularly in these last crucial days.
we need to strictly go by God's quality control. The Kingdom of God is not a
matter of talk but of power. The church needs to be filled up with Kingdom
assets, not liabilities. In bible history, God always destroyed liabilities.
When the Israelites were becoming more of a liability, he destroyed them all in
the desert. God does not need liabilities in his kingdom.
is why Jesus emphasized discipling nations just before he ascended. This is the
quality of increase God wants in his church—discipled increase. Not just any
increase for the sake of church expansionism, just to win the popularity contest
and prove which church is better and bigger. Thus, as long as an increase is
denominational, it does not count in God’s Kingdom. It is still of the world.
The increase should be in Jesus’ glorious church, without spot or wrinkle or
any blemish, and which has no earthly company name, unfranchised, not a denomination.
Discipled in the Way
Jesus Discipled the Apostles
discipleship should be apostolic—in the same way Jesus discipled his apostles.
That should remain the model for all times, not through bible studies the way
denominations do it, or Sunday schools, bible schools, seminaries, seminars or
conferences which all derive from worldly systems.
Discipleship consists of, “teaching them
everything I have taught you.” Only then can we be assured of his true
presence: “I will be with you always.”
There should be absolutely no denominational doctrine. Just pure Jesus
teachings as revealed by the Holy Spirit. This alone applies to the spiritual and
universal Jesus glorious church. If evangelism, discipleship, and church are
done any other way, they’re all garbage and credited only in this world.
our earlier post, we mentioned about how the least is greatest in the Kingdom.
Some suppose that God’s Flesh does not believe in numerical growth and wishes
only to remain small. Far from truth. We believe whatever the bible believes.
We believe so much in discipling all nations. It’s not just evangelizing them;
Jesus is clear about discipling them.
And discipling is never just about grouping them in cells and doing bible
studies. That’s not discipling. That’s bible study. Jesus didn't just have bible studies when he discipled the apostles.
did my Jesus disciple his apostles? First, he was their disciple for life. A
church cannot change discipler depending on who is pastoring the church. The
Jesus discipleship stresses on loyalty to the discipler, not the local church. Local
churches that change pastors periodically cannot embark on a genuine Jesus
discipleship. Your discipler is your discipler for life.
Second, Jesus ushered
them to the spiritual, universal church. There was no building or name or
organization the church was under in. And that set up continued in the Acts
church. The Jesus church was later sabotaged and displaced by the church
invented by men: a church by men, for men, and through men. But God has been
restoring his true church through his genuine apostles, prophets, evangelists,
pastors, and teachers. It has no denomination. We have to evangelize and disciple
nations to this church.
By the way, don't miss out on powerful God's Flesh tips [more powerful than what you get here]. And get the truth behind how Jesus discipled his apostles, not just had bible studies with them. Get this and other secrets exclusively given to those who would email me through godsfleshblog@gmail.com.
By the way, don't miss out on powerful God's Flesh tips [more powerful than what you get here]. And get the truth behind how Jesus discipled his apostles, not just had bible studies with them. Get this and other secrets exclusively given to those who would email me through godsfleshblog@gmail.com.