They Don't Know Where to Put Apostles in Church Today
Well, at least modern church "experts" now are thinking about putting back apostles and prophets in church. That's a relief. The problem is, they can't figure out what their roles would be. I don't see that as the problem. What is, is the stubborn insistence on keeping church denominations. You can't mix man's church with God's church. You have to get rid of one or the other. God's apostles and prophets have no place in man's church denominations.
Denominational Apostles and Prophets
This apostle has his own agenda and ministry, while that apostle has his own, as well. Some prophets operate on their own, thinking they can do without apostles. And how many evangelists today have their ministries totally independent of apostles and prophets, some not even believing they still exist today? Their ministries and agenda never unite as one. They just form temporary alliances. Why is this happening in both denominations and apostolic ministries? Because no one wants to give up everything. They think they've worked hard to get their ministries up and thriving and now they claim full ownership of them, not willing to give them up to give way to the one global glorious church of Jesus Christ.
I wonder who's going to do it first? Who'd be that man of God who'd finally see this truth and start giving up everything for God and His glorious church and Kingdom on earth--so that the rest would follow suit? Everyone wants to make a name for himself and keep the glory, while paying lip service to "doing it all for the glory of God."
Get Rid of Denominations
The thing is to get rid of denominations and any semblance of it, and then all true believers to unite completely as one, just as the Father and Son are one. Then God's genuine apostles and prophets will have their proper places in the one glorious church of Jesus Christ. The evangelists, pastors, and teachers will, too. Everything will fall into place by the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, as what happened in the Acts church.
Some folks ask me: what would happen to local church denominations and where would believers gather for worship in their localities? My answer: they gather where they used to gather--in their local church denomination buildings. Only this time, they don't gather as a denomination anymore; they gather as one body belonging to the one global body of Christ with one doctrine, belief, faith, ministry, and mission, and with completely united apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers [APEPT].
How the Glorious Church Operates
As in Acts, APEPTs worldwide should meet regularly as a global council, like the Jerusalem Council, all led by the Holy Spirit. God made it happen in Acts, He can make it happen in these last days. In fact, He will make it happen, because he will restore all things before Jesus Christ comes back [Acts 3.21]. There should be a horizontal apostle in such meetings who acts as moderator and final decision maker as Peter and James were. Horizontal apostles are not better than the other apostles and lord it over them. They get the anointing of the hour to weigh things that have been discussed and decide on a conclusion, led by the Holy Spirit [Acts 15. 13-21] The Acts Council never did anything by votation but by being led by the Spirit through a horizontal apostle [Acts 15.22-23].
Whatever decision the global church council of APEPTs comes up with is trickled down to the local churches worldwide led by various APEPTs and bishops and deacons who do their ministries as one man. Thus, church denominations should be demolished as well as the emerging apostolic denominations. Every true believer should desperately pursue the prayer of my Jesus in John 17--the one global glorious church patterned after His LIFE, Ways, Will, and WORD alone. God will make this happen, but He will first destroy everything man-made.