The Great Church Revival We All Have Been Waiting For: What It's All About!

In these end times, God will do a great church revival before Jesus comes back. He will do this to restore all things in these last days:
Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. [Acts 3.21]
And the whole idea is that God will cause the glorious church of Jesus Christ to appear on earth, not as another religion or church denomination, but in the lives of true believers, regardless of church affiliation. They will experience a supernatural touch from God and begin to seriously live out the LIFE of Jesus Christ in the Word of God. 

The glorious church of Jesus Christ will have no physical address or headquarters but will powerfully and radiantly reside in the lives of radical Jesus believers. 

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. [Isaiah 60].

Failed Church Revivals

Churches have been trying to come up with the right revival formula for years, to no avail. The most they have come up are small sparks that burn for a while and then easily extinguished by the flesh. The problem with these short-lived revivals is that, they were mostly stirred by human effort.

Some of them were initiated by God, but man's propensity to control God's moves and claiming ownership for them led the moves to their natural deaths. In effect, God later released his hold on the supernatural event and let man manage the affair he grabbed from God, watching man fail.

But the last great church revival will be different. It will be sudden, without any plans and programs by man. It will be led by the Holy Spirit alone.

Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come," says the LORD Almighty. [Malachi 3]

A Church Revival We Haven't Seen or Heard of Before

People in the streets, offices, schools, homes and public and private vehicles will just become aware of the Lord's awesome Presence and seriously repent of sins and kneel down, beating their breasts in true repentance and seeking the Lord. They will beg believers to lead them to Christ.

No one can claim the glory--it will happen without anyone preaching and definitely not inside church buildings. 

But of course, stubborn sinners will not be moved by this supernatural revival and go on being worse. But there will be a great number of those who will be saved.

But for the glorious church of Jesus to appear in our midst--and to be part of it--there are certain spiritual principles we should know to make sure we have been freed by the Son indeed. Sadly, there are believers who still live in the land of spiritual slavery, building "church ministries" for the enemies of God. 

Leaving the Land of Slavery

This e-book can help them a lot to understand the workings of the land of spiritual slavery and how to escape them. This 188-page e-book is now available online, costing only P800. Buy through Paypal and immediately get your downloaded PDF copy of "Leaving the Land of Slavery."

To buy the e-book, just click on this link.

And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! [Job 19,26-17]
