Where was Jesus During the Wedding at Cana?
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This means they stayed where the servants were. I'm sure we wouldn't find the servants sitting at one of the banquet tables reserved for guests, and definitely not at the presidential table. Where were the servants? Most probably in the kitchen, right? Or even in the "dirty" kitchen.
Here's another proof Jesus and his disciples and mother were in the kitchen. When Jesus was ready to turn water into wine, he told the servants to fill the six stone jars with water. Definitely, this scene could not be taking place in the main reception area where the guests were formally feasting. Neither does it say in Scriptures that Jesus left the reception area and went to the kitchen to talk with the servants. He was already there in the kitchen with the servants. See?
How radical meekness all starts? It all starts with a radical heart for Jesus. Click here for more on this!
Is this important? Oh, it's so important to me, and to those who value meekness and Jesus' teaching about not being self-centered. Jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding but they stayed in the kitchen with the servants. Jesus was comfortable with the servants and with lowly people---especially with those who were not self-centered. He applied to himself his teaching about never occupying seats of honor lest you be asked to sit somewhere else and be humiliated. It's better to settle somewhere humble and be asked to occupy a seat of honor.
But in this story, no one asked Jesus to take a seat with the guests instead of being in the company of the servants in the kitchen. But it was no big deal. Jesus was happy to be in the kitchen.
Look anywhere in churches today and you'd see people who love to be honored and sit in seats of honor. They'd be offended if you didn't cite their titles, credentials and achievements during your introduction. They'd be offended if you didn't attach their titles to their names. One time, a high ranking minister was speaker in a church and he checked whether his name was correctly written on the program. He asked disappointed, "Pastor Bert Santos? Just 'Pastor' Bert Santos?" Then the program coordinator hurriedly edited it to "Reverend Doctor Bert Santos."
His real name isn't Bert Santos, of course.
We must give honor to whom honor is due, but if per chance you were not given the honor, would you insist on it? Well, remember how Jesus preferred staying with the servants in the kitchen than occupying a conspicuous seat of honor. Blessed are the meek, God will give them possession of the earth. Jesus was used to being insulted and intentionally given mocked honor. It never bothered him, even when he was crowned with thorns and mockingly hailed as king.
To me, meekness is so powerful. Genuinely anointed servants of God who are careful to always wear the tattered mantle of meekness have their armors beneath it shine more gloriously. I see it and praise the Lord for them. The next time you are invited to a great event but are made to stay in a dimly lit, inconspicuous corner, rejoice and take pride in your high station in the spirit. The meek shall inherit the earth.
Here's the Best Part!
Now, here's the best part. Jesus turned water into wine, and high quality wine at that! But where was he at the time? Did he show himself in public to claim the feat? Nope. He remained in the kitchen. Instead, he told the servants to take the wine sample to the host. And who did the host praise? The bridegroom. The host never knew where the miracle wine had come from, and neither did all the guests. Can you do that? Do a good deed but keep yourself anonymous?
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