This Kid was All-Out for Jesus
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The story went like this. Jesus and his disciples needed to feed 5,000 men (if we add the women and kids, they'd probably number more than 10 thousand).
Out there in the wilds, where would they find food to do this? And it would cost a lot, too much for their available budget to afford, if they decide to buy food for the attendees.
According to John, the Master tested his disciples---how would their minds see their situation? "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" he asked them. Who'd think logically like smart earthlings would and who'd think radically like Jesus? Well, they all used their earthly logic. Matthew tells us some disciples said the place they were in was too far and it was getting late. Jesus had better sent the crowd to the villages to buy food. Sounds proper.
John tells us how some thought it was too costly even for each one to have just one bite of food. It wasn't practical, in short.
But one little kid near them was radical enough. He thought his 5 small bread loaves and two fish were all it took to feed about 10,000 people. All he had to do was give all the food to Jesus. I mean, this kid knew the Kingdom principle of surrendering all to Jesus.
No Wonder Kids are Given the Kingdom
This kid was fascinating. Young as he was, he decided to attend this Jesus conference or crusade even if it was in the middle of nowhere, outside the villages. From an adult's point of view, the place was "remote." But this kid was decided. He'd attend Jesus' meeting to listen to him.
Second, this kid had the foresight to take along packed dinner. In other words, he was really serious about staying long to listen to Jesus, even if the event got past dinner. I think he alone had thought about it. He was excited. The rest---the adults---were merely passive.
There were thousands of people in this crowd, and yet God chose a small kid for this great miracle. I can imagine how God had earlier talked to this kid and had told him to bring along 5 small loaves and 2 fish. The kid quickly obeyed. No afterthought. An adult would've probably reasoned with himself and asked, "Why do I have to bring packed dinner? That would be messy or bothersome, carrying that pack in the wilderness. I wouldn't stay long anyway. I'd just take money and buy food, if need be."
Well, in fact, Jesus asked about buying food. But he asked it only to test his disciples. He was given two options---let the people buy food or the small boy's dinner. If the people went to buy food, the problem would be solved but there would be no miracle. If you were there, what would you go for? A practical and logical solution or a chance for a miracle, since Jesus was there in person? It's a big wonder how the disciples could opt for a practical, usual, ordinary remedy when Jesus was right there in their midst.
The second time around, when feeding the 4,000, they again missed seeing the powerful and supernatural capability of their Master and simply opted to worry, which sometimes seems more practical and logical than multiplying bread and fish. I've seen lots of Sunday worship services unable to start because they had no program. Being guided by their programs is more practical and logical to them than by simply being led by the Holy Spirit.
Third, he was near Jesus, among the disciples, not with the crowd. He had probably wormed his way through the crowd to get near the Lord. The crowd was contented to stand from a distance but this kid had to be in Jesus' inner circle. So, when Jesus asked the disciples about where to buy food, he was right there in their midst, able to present his packed dinner within seconds.
And yes, he offered his packed dinner to Andrew. Nobody got it from him. He offered it. I don't think Andrew grabbed the food from the boy and I don't think Jesus would have liked the idea. So this kid offered all he had to Jesus, leaving nothing for himself. No wonder Jesus said one time that God had given the Kingdom to little children, and that it was impossible to enter the Kingdom except we change and become like little kids.
I'd rather watch little kids in their humble and innocent ways than listen to "smart" people fond of arguing or debating about nonsense which they think make them sound intelligent.
Earthly or mundane logic has no place in the Kingdom. God's logic is different and is often mistaken (or despised) by unspiritual men as weak. It is hated by the world as foolishness but loved by the meek as God's power. Funny but sometimes, kids understand God's logic more than most adults do.
Fourth, the kid didn't complain though he was never appreciated. It was never mentioned in the bible, but it's safe to conclude that he didn't. Otherwise, Jesus would have mentioned it. It was probably very fulfilling for this kid that the Lord had accepted his offering. And doubtless, this kid's reward was surefire provided, because Jesus assured somewhere in Scriptures that anyone who gives even a cold drink to someone because he is a disciple will surely get his reward.
Why didn't Jesus even mention the kid's name? Perhaps, so the kid's reward wouldn't be forfeited. If we parade our good deeds, heavenly rewards will be forfeited. Instead, what we get are the applause of men. That alone is our reward, which is really nothing.
It happens lots of times. In a multitude of thousands who "follow" the Lord, chances are, only a very small percentage would get the idea and quietly surrender their all to Christ---and usually, these are simple people who have become like little children to God.
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