Deadly Deception in the End Times: Christians Who Are Still Old Creations

For sure there will be a great deception in these end times orchestrated by the Beast and the False Prophet mentioned in the Book of Revelation. The aim is to deceive even the elect, if that were possible. It is clearly directed against the church, first and foremost, then to the world at large. Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash.

Elsewhere in the bible we are given hints of how this will happen. Like what Jesus said about wolves in sheep's clothing. And the wide road to destruction. Some people will claim they are the Christ, or the Christ is "there" or "here," and lead many astray. However, no details are given on how this can take place effectively. 

I mean, we know for a fact that Christ is in heaven and won't come back till the Second Coming. So how can Christians be deceived with the idea that he is already here?

Satan will do it right inside the church. In fact, the deception was introduced even long before and is in progress now. He's using people who claim to be Christians but are still old creations---or who are a mixture of the old and new--especially church pastors and leaders, and who restore the wrong traditions of the old into the new one.

This has been happening since the early church up to the present.
Even that question came up only because of some so-called believers there—false ones, really—who were secretly brought in. They sneaked in to spy on us and take away the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. They wanted to enslave us and force us to follow their Jewish regulations. [Galatians 2.4]
Some are willing accomplices but majority are victims, made to believe that men's church traditions are God's will and Kingdom norms and should continue in the Christian church. They were taught this in their bible schools and seminaries (earned titles and degrees on them), not realizing they are being fed the Babylon system, and this is what they also bring to other nations in their "mission works."

So, when faced with the real thing in the bible, they think that God's genuine moves today are cults or demonic, and the ways of this world are what's apt and sound doctrine. This deception is deadlier than literal idolatry because this attack is stealthy and cunning, going absolutely unnoticed, detected only by the sharply discerning.

When you subscribe by the ways of this world you subscribe to the "image" of the Beast. Therefore, you have to "come out of her" and...

"Therefore, 'Come out from them and be separate,' says the Lord. 'Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.'" [2 Corinthians 6.17].

And it clearly is also via church denominations. They mostly still faithfully bring in old traditions derived from the Roman Catholic church---like Sunday worship service (their idea of worship is only on Sundays), the use of round and white communion wafer or "bread," Christmas trees and Christmas gimmicks, 7 Last Words, and so forth.

The "image" of the Beast is not really a literal statue or picture (you can no longer fool born again Christians with statues, much less make them bow down to them) but a "trade" mark or characteristic or general impression that originates from a dominant source. For instance in marketing, a main brand can birth a second brand with a different name but still has the major characteristics of the main brand intact in it. And it's labeled differently but under the same brand and logo.

Same dog, different collar.

So, church people can claim to be Christians or "born again" and yet remain their old selves (or remain old creations) untouched by the transforming power of Christ's Resurrection. Or remain a mixed creation, retaining some old characteristics with some new ones and still enjoying residues of the old religion.

But God's WORD is clear: Anyone in Christ is a NEW CREATION; the old is past and the new has come. THE OLD IS PAST.

And yet, today, you seldom see genuine new creations in church, even among church leaders. They learn the church and bible lingo over time, get busy (and "successful") in ministry, and yet remain old creations---or a mixture of the old and new. Worse, some of them even grow more rotten with time. They become worse (sophisticatedly worse). Yet they are highly respected in their churches because of their position, title or contribution. 

And then, there is the carry-over of traditions from the old, wrong religion. Like observing worship only on a Sunday (try telling them you opt to worship God on a Monday or Tuesday and they'd think you're nuts), 7 Last Words, Christmas (they'd think you've lost it if you do not have a church Christmas party or a Christmas worship program), Simbang Umaga, Valentine's Fellowship, Fathers or Mothers Day, Good Friday Service, "Easter" Sunday, etc.

These are all derived from the religion of the Beast and the False Prophet, a mark or trait of the Prostitute in Revelation, the religious system of the Mystery Babylon. 

It is the "trade mark" or the "image" of the Beast. There is nothing Christian about it. Jesus and his apostles never did them. It is the system of Mystery Babylon. So God urges in the bible that believers come out of her entirely.
'Come out of her, my people,' so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; [Revelation 18.4]

And this is prophesied in Jeremiah 51.44-45:

I will punish Bel in Babylon
and make him spew out what he has swallowed.
The nations will no longer stream to him.
And the wall of Babylon will fall.

45 “Come out of her, my people!
Run for your lives!
Run from the fierce anger of the Lord.

The Lord will crush the Babylon system (which seems so successful and effective at the moment) so we are urged to come out of it entirely, not even looking back at it as we flee. We know what happened to Lot's wife. Anything that has to do with man's religion, ways, efforts and theology is entwined with the Babylon system. Remember, 666 is the number of man. Everything is of man. 

For instance, the notion that Saturday or Sunday is worship day. We even hear preachers say that God has given us 6 days and requires only one day for him. They say that's our "tithe" as far as our days are concerned. But the bible says we are the Lord's---everything we have is His. Each day of our lives should be given to Him.

So we see the Acts church meeting daily and breaking bread everyday, not just on Saturdays or Sundays.

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, [Acts 2.46].

And they never wasted their money or efforts on putting up church buildings or making their altars beautiful. These are all Babylon's systems. 

The deception has been going on and multitudes are unknowingly being victimized. We must make certain that we're doing nothing else except Jesus' ways and God's WORD, because Jesus is the only Way to the Father. We must rely on no one and nothing except the Holy Spirit, what He teaches and what He reveals to us through God's spoken Word in the bible. 

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