Boxists and Others Who Use Virtues to Trap You
Beware of them. They're out there everywhere to trap people and make them do their bidding. Often, they pretend to espouse love, humility and patience to use them against people they want to control. And yup, it's all about control. They love to control and manipulate, and they won't hesitate to use all the religious arsenal available at their disposal.
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash.
For lack of a better term, I sometimes refer to them as boxists. Not boxers. Boxers are expert punchers with their fists. Boxists love labeling people and putting them in boxes. You cannot be yourself and have a right to your own opinion. Nope. They categorize you and lump you with others they think are of the same persuasion.
Box-Type Boxists
If you say you believe in eternal security, for instance, they automatically lump you with the Calvinists or Baptists or Fundamentalists. If you worship expressively, they put you in their Pentecostal box. If you believe in holiness, they'd put you in the Armenian category. There's a box type for each individual, and they alone decide what it is.
These guys cannot think anymore beyond their boxes. They cannot imagine that the Kingdom of God is much larger than that, that it's beyond any box type they--or their guru (the person, like a theologian or philosopher, they idolize) have formulated.
One-Box Boxists
Other boxists do it differently. They carry one box--their box--of absolutes, their right thoughts and ideas, and look out for others' ideas or opinions. Ideas they think are wrong immediately get trashed and they pull out the right one for you, out of their box. They decide what's right for you, and it comes from that box they hold. To them, there's only one box in the entire universe, and it's the one they have. A lot of denominational church fanatics are examples.
Trap-Box Boxists
This is the type you should beware most. They use Christ's virtues to measure and trap you. They'd emphasize love for instance, and then use it to make you submit to their wishes. Because if you don't, they question your love for them, or your humility. To them, being humble means you submit to them. And love means you give in to their demands.
Watch out when you claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit or have the fruit of the Spirit. They'd use that to trap you. They see it as a weakness to manipulate or abuse you--because spiritual people are not supposed to oppose or defy propriety or accepted standards. But often, on closer look, these "accepted" standards have been formulated by them. It's their "trap box."
They're experts at making themselves appear broad-minded and you narrow-minded, unless you agree and get into their boxes. They sound like they're the smart ones.
The religious leaders tried this on Jesus but it never worked. Jesus stuck to Kingdom standards even if they crucified him on the cross.
Boxless Box
This is the box of the Kingdom, exactly what Jesus used. Jesus criticized a lot of people--especially those in power--but he never boxed them. He allowed them to be them. And it was they who came to challenge him, not the other way around. He simply did his thing and they came to watch and criticze him. So he answered back with his own.
The kingdom has a box, but it's not really a box. When Jesus preached about his kingdom he laid out its principles and protocols, but also stressed that people could very well forget about them and keep their own if they wished to. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear" was the no-strings-attached offer. Take it or leave it. Even the disciples who deserted him he didn't run after to persuade them to return.
Bottomless and Topless
It's a box without a top, bottom or sides. It has the highest standards but allows you to be you. Jesus knew who would betray him and deny him. He knew his disciples would abandon him. And yet he allowed them to. He told Peter, "Satan has asked to sift you like wheat," prophesying how Peter would react when Jesus was arrested. And yet Peter was left to himself to decide on it, with Jesus merely assuring him of prayer support when it finally happened.
There was no control or manipulation. They were allowed to be wrong. They were not typed or boxed.
But Jesus assured them of a second chance. "And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” He foreknew of the falling away and he just let them. He foreknew Judas' betrayal and gave him a chance to call it off, but Judas didn't. There was a box but the box was invisible.
Warning Against Men's Boxes
Jesus warned against men's boxes a lot of times. He didn't box his enemies when he did it. He simply described the boxes and made sure people knew about God's invisible box and opted for it, if they wanted to. It was never his intention to trap but to warn against the traps.
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