How to Restart Your Life Powerfully
The seed God uses to transform your life.
When your PC is overstuffed with files and stuff beyond it's storage limit, it can go berserk. Nope, it will go berserk. Totally insane. So you reboot. Worse, you reformat because the old files and trash are most likely contaminated with a virus which slowly wreaks havoc on your CPU. Sometimes, the best remedy is to buy a new unit.No one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins. [Mark 2]
In other words, fitting the Gospel of the Kingdom into the Pharisaical religious system wouldn't work. Today, you cannot pour Life into a vessel already with the Babylon system in it, even just a hint of that system. The Jesus Life will work only in a vessel supernaturally filled with (and genuinely led by) the Holy Spirit. "What is born of the Spirit is spirit."
God Starts with His Seed
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord...Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. [Genesis 6]
And God's seed has this peculiar trait: "he walked faithfully with God." It's not any religious or churchy performance or achievement but in the simple (but radical) act of walking with God. Very few people can do this. To give you an idea how Noah walked faithfully, he built a ridiculous, huge ark supposed to save them from a global flood. See how stupid that may have sounded to people then?
Worldwide flood? Build an ark to escape the flood? Smart Alecks would think of going up the mountains and build posh cabins there. That's smarter. And definitely no animals inside the cabins. But what's more absurd with Noah's ark was getting all kinds of animals and squirming, crawling creatures with you inside the ark to save them. Imagine living in a room with tarantulas and anacondas? It was preposterous and illogical, to say the least.
And how did whales and other big fish get into the ark?
God's seed is kinda like that. It's repulsive to most people, especially to smart Alecks who mock at God's supernatural. Imagine getting pairs of every animal (and insect) in the world to board the ark. That's silly, but it was actually accomplished supernaturally using the obedient and unquestioning Noah and family. It would've been very different if God had used smart Alecks who wanted logical explanation for (and questioned) everything. Noah simply obeyed as God spoke to him.
22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him. [Genesis 6]
Well, some smart guys are capable of silly ideas, too, but their silliness is mundane. I'm talking about God's supernatural which the wise of this world (and the Babylon church) mock and dismiss as stupid.
God's Seed Produces Miracles
If it's God's seed, it's supernatural. First, Noah built the ark as per God's spoken instructions. That's supernatural. He didn't meet with his family and sat down to plan and then prayed for the plan. Nothing supernatural about that. Even pagans do that. Second, pairs of animals from all over the world "came" to Noah. He didn't need to chase them or lure them to the ark. They simply "came" to him. That was supernatural.
Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah.
Noah didn't also have to make the animals enter the ark. No need to whip or scold them to obedience. They entered the ark themselves. Imagine bears, lions, tigers and crocodiles walking in line without fighting each other or attacking their preys. Imagine two worms wriggling their way into the ark and the roosters and hens never touching them. And how did Noah put them all in peace and order in the ark for more than 150 days? My guess is that God suspended the fear of man in the animals and insects, so they all acted tame. Later, after the flood, God put back the fear of man in them.
The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea;
[Genesis 9]
Everything was supernatural, God's effort. That's another trait of God's seed--no human effort mars God's project. God made the plan, spoke it through his rhema Word and supernaturally executed the plan through his chosen servant. It's all God. Man simply obeyed what God said. Church should be ran likewise. Church people would probably become as tame as the ark animals.
8 People
Eight people entered the ark, which was typical of seeds from God. He didn't intend to keep the number small, but he started with small. Small but quality. That's Kingdom seed principle. The small number later grew through his instructions, through his supernaturally spoken Word to his servants (not man's theology or philosophy or ideas).
God wanted eight people who totally believed his project, actually build it and enter. They believed everything about the unusual project and trusted it with their very lives (enter it). These are the kind of people God wants when he starts something new and radical. They trusted God and his minute instructions every step (they genuinely heard God's voice) and never tried to mix God's plan with their own plans or smart ideas or programs or ministries. They didn't sit down together to plan and make goals and prayed for them. They just waited for God and obeyed. Often, only few people can do this. The remnant. The rest---the crowd---just put up Babel towers with their brilliant ministry plans.
Fizzled Out
But later, everything fizzled out when Noah got drunk, Ham did something wrong, and the rest of mankind wanted to make a name for themselves, competing against God. Why did God allow this? Because God was showing (in fact, he kept showing the principle throughout the Old Testament) that reboots with man still in charge will keep fizzling out in the end. That's the trend in the OT. Each human leadership God provided went haywire, even with the best of them, because they all tended to do things their smart way (and brilliant ministry plans).
Much later, in the Gospel and New Testament, God would show that only with Christ could all things work together for good as God determined it. Finally, in Christ's millennial reign, God will display how things look when everything is according to God's plan, supernaturally revealed by God's own mouth and executed with God's effort using his body. Everything supernatural.
We will all see how God's Seed, though the smallest, becomes the largest tree of all.