Power of One Word
One small botanical seed is powerful. In time it can propagate and cover an entire mountain with forest. God's Word is Seed and it can work more powerfully. The big difference is, God's spiritual Seed is not bound by time. It can grow an entire nation in a day. It is designed to fulfill the impossible.
Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. [Isaiah 66]
Photo above by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
One Word in Us
To God, one Word was enough to effect the precisely calculated, tremendous, supernatural power needed to accomplish creation. Now here's the thing. If we are his believers and followers and we are his true sons and daughters (and if we are really co-heirs with Christ), we should operate with the same one-Word power. We should pursue after doing things as the Father and Jesus did them, if we belong to them--if we are one with them.
20 On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. [John 14]
These things are written in the bible so we'd know how our Father did his work, and how we ought to do the same as his children. It's not there just for head knowledge. In fact, nothing in God's Word is just for head knowledge. Mere head knowledge is for demons. We are children. God's Word and supernatural promises are designed for our use, and Jesus demonstrated in the gospel how a man with faith should use them. Like the one-Word power.
Truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, [John 14]
One-Word Prayer
We think that wordy and poetic prayers are powerful. So even now in 2022 most of us prefer long winding prayers that sound profound and touching. We forget that prayer is talking with God, not impressing people, and we don't need to sound impressive to God. We need to touch God's heart (by faith) but we don't need our prayers to touch people.
When feeding the 5,000 (and later the 4,000), Jesus merely looked up and gave thanks. And I'm quite sure it was a one-word prayer as well, simply saying "thanks," (or perhaps, a short "thank you, Father" which to God is also "one-Word" as explained above) basing on how God did creation with a Word.
See the power of one Word (or one small seed of prayer)? It supernaturally multiplied a few loaves of bread and fish to feed thousands. We should strive to have our prayers as short but as powerful, having the right heart to utter a frank, non-roundabout (direct-to-the-point) prayer to touch God's heart. Remember--it's what's in the heart, not word quality or length of prayer.
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. [Luke 6]
One time, Jesus didn't even pray, audibly, that is. He simply commanded Lazarus to rise from death, although earlier he claimed to have had his prayer answered by the Father (and had thanked God for it in advance) before he performed the miracle. It was a powerful short, mental prayer--no drama or poetic, lengthy prayers. No showmanship. It's powerful. We should do it often. It will keep us from impressing people.
One-Word Miracles
Jesus rebuked evil spirits "with a word," something you very seldom see these days. They take hours to drive out one demon from a demonized person. They need backing from "prayer warriors" and lots of singing and non-stop worship and prayer. Yet, nothing usually happens. But Jesus made things simple. He simply rebuked demons and they fled. See the power of one small seed?
16 When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. [Matthew 8]
The centurion asked Jesus to simply "say the Word" and his servant shall be healed. Indeed, it happened. Why was the centurion so confident about Jesus' one-Word? My guess is that Jesus had become so popular for it. He had the reputation for performing signs and wonders as simple as saying just one Word. He demonstrated how the mustard seed--the smallest seed--can turn into the largest tree in the garden. Miracles happened right on the spot with a Word. Jesus demonstrated this so we can do likewise.
If we claim to be his followers (and to be God's sons and daughters as Jesus is the Son), we should strive to do the very same things. We cannot claim a close connection to God and do things differently from how God and Jesus did things in the bible. Worse, we cannot claim to be God's children and do things in the ways of this world.
Do we do things in life and ministry supernaturally? With one-word, the Word we get straight from God's mouth? If not, today is the apt time to start it. This is not an option. It's a must to do everything God's way, not our own or the world's way. Isaiah said doing things our own way (not God's supernatural way) is a sign we have gone astray.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; [Isaiah 53]
Ebook on Making Miracles Work for You
My e-book on how to make God's supernatural promises work for you today is a compilation of bible principles I learned and experienced when I started moving in the supernatural works of God. God allowed me to perform miracles, often on-the-spot, to heal the sick or free the demonized. It is his will to have all his true believers do as Jesus did in the Gospel.
You can do it, too.
If you buy the e-book, you help my ministry finance poor individuals, poor pastors and help young people discover their supernatural potentials in Christ--by discovering and genuinely experiencing God's Seed, the smallest seed which grew into the largest of trees in the spirit realms.
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