
Showing posts with the label Discipleship

Cheap Wine in a Wedding Banquet?

Cheap wine in a grand wedding banquet?  The wedding at Cana where my Jesus' first miracle took place was saved with high quality wine. Wine saves weddings in Israel in Jesus' time, and weddings then took some days to celebrate, often 7 days. I don't know if it's still like that today there, but I'm sure quality wines are still very much part of such banquets. I can see this as a parallelism to the future big wedding banquet that will happen when Bridegroom Christ marries his Bride, the glorious church--his body, his one flesh--according to Ephesians. To save that event, Jesus needs to turn water into wine. That event is in danger of being spoiled by the lack of quality wine. Imagine cheap wine being served in that banquet? My Jesus said he wouldn't taste the fruit of the vine again until he drinks it anew in the wedding in the Kingdom. Of course, this wedding banquet in heaven is sure to happen as scheduled and with the best wine because it has be

Silly Discipleship

You'll hear of churches today doing what they call a   discipleship . At first glance you'd think that they've finally gotten the whole point. But on closer look, you'd see that it's all nothing but trash. Their discipleship is just another church   program . Why did they decide to have a discipleship? It's often for two reasons: 1.      They're losing their membership. 2.      They want to increase church membership by trapping people to what they call   discipleship . What do they do in their discipleship? ANSWER: Bible studies. They look for a good "discipleship" material to use and they study the bible following that guide. It all look spiritual and nice. But if you're spiritually sharp. you'd see that it's just another man's program, a result of the devil's deception. Genuine Jesus Discipleship The Jesus discipleship was not just a bible study. It never was a program to up membership or to tie down peop

Making of a Samuel

As long as Samuel was judge over Israel, all the enemies were incapacitated. They all feared Samuel and all Israel was safe--because God's hand was heavy against the enemy for Samuel's sake [1Sam.7.13]. God allowed no word of declaration from Samuel to fall to the ground void. We should see the Kingdom principles behind the making of a Samuel. We need Samuels today in the church. Samuels in church will render devils powerless, fearful, and frozen to inactivity against their will. God will cause our enemies to be at peace with us --because they have no choice. Being a Samuel is being God's flesh on earth. Barrenness God had to make Hannah barren. To produce a Samuel, God has to make you nothing. Even Christ, the greatest move of God (sending His Son), was made nothing , taking the form of a slave. Barrenness was a terrible stigma in those days, and Hannah had to undergo it--for meekness sake. God won't do anything great and powerful until he first makes his instrum

Obadiah: When Your Brother is Under Discipline

God at times disciplines and punishes his own people. Israel was severely punished in the time of Obadiah. The story teaches us what God expects of us when we see our brothers under discipline by God.  Edom took advantage of Israel's downfall when enemies were attacking her, as God had permitted it to be so. God's design was three-fold: to discipline Israel, to watch how Edom would react, and to see how Israel's enemies would carry out the sentence. Edom screwed up. Instead of helping their brother Israelites, they "were like one of" the enemies. Here are 10 ways how Edom failed the test [verses 10-14]: The Edomites were violent towards Israel. They stood aloof while Israel was being slaughtered by the enemy. They looked down on their brothers when they were being punished. They rejoiced at Judah's downfall.  They boasted while their brothers suffered humiliation. They charged through the gates of their brothers. They looked down on them whi

Extremely Radical

Extremely radical. If you're doing things weirdly contrary to the norm and get both loved and murdered for it, you're nothing short of an extreme radical. Jesus was like that.  If Jesus were ordinary and tame, as ordinary and tame as your usual stereo-type, traditional, formal, and respectable church pastor, he'd just be loved, not murdered (or shall we say "persecuted" to use a milder term). Umm, on second thought, most pastors like this whom I know are not really respected; they're quietly tolerated. Extremely radical persons are highly respected--so highly regarded that they're seen as a serious threat. When you are persecuted for your extreme radicalism people secretly fear and regard you highly, though they hate you for it.  But Jesus' extreme radicalism was not out of rebellion. It was a nature. God is unique--and that uniqueness is always to the extreme, because God is all powerful. The Word says, "There is no God like God." O

Micah: God's Remnant--Fierce Lions

Image from Kidcyber. God designed the remnant like a fierce young lion amid nations, "mauling and mangling" as it roams and spreads around [Micah 5.7-9]. That's power made perfect in weakness. From being "lame" and weak, God transforms the remnant into a fierce lion from which "no one can rescue." This lion will be in the midst of nations, "like dew or showers from God on the grass." They overwhelm and cover and give refreshment. But they also "maul and mangle." The Word of God in these remnants is like a weapon, like iron horns and bronze hoofs that "break into pieces the nations" [413]. The Word from their mouths will be fierce and offensive, radically demolishing strongholds and even what man invented for "ministry" derived from also the Word, but adulterated. This remnant God chooses in the end times will radically turn the world upside down. ABSOLUTELY NO HUMAN WAYS OR EFFORT "(Like dew and showe

Micah: He will Stand and Shepherd His Flock

Until Jesus is really Lord of the church, God will abandon Israel (the true Israel is the church) and let it do whatever it pleases--even "answer" its prayers and provide its needs [Micah 5.3]. In Micah, while God "abandoned" Israel, he still provided for her needs and answered "prayers" according to God's general blessings. Everything went well in man's eyes. Their prayer and worship life seemed the best: "They lean (or rely) on the Lord, saying, 'Is not God among us? Not one disaster will come upon us." This is the same claim many churches today shout in their worship services. "God is here, Amen?" And church people answer: "Amen!" Yet, they do everything contrary to God's ways, like their denominations.  But God has a solution ready. It's the Jesus Discipleship. This Kingdom discipleship is designed to demolish everything of man in church, even man's church itself, to free God's church in J

Micah: When God Finally Shepherds His People

Micah depicts the glory of God finally shepherding His true people. These are people who willingly “come to” the church (Micah.7.12), drawn by God Himself and not by man’s church gimmicks, programs, or any effort. Jesus said no person can come to him unless the Father draws that person to him (Jn.6.44 and 65). It is not dependent “on man’s desire or effort” (Rom.9) but on God’s mercy alone. Global Desolation God decreed a global desolation, which is already happening. These are the last days. People seek happiness and peace from various sources invented by man. This is reflected on how they make movies. They imagine salvation through their technology, and eternal life and power from the occult (like Twilight and similar movies). They revive myths and glamorize them (like Lightning Thief) to depict godly power. And why not? The “Christian” church built by men for centuries has been failing to show them real Godly awesome power—like what we read in the bible. God will m