
True Church Fathers

It's Fathers Day once more. And for sure many churches will base their Sunday worship programs on this occasion, recognizing fathers in their church, and of course, God the Father, to make everything sound spiritually legit. It's all a waste of time and money. How I hope it's really about true church fathers. However, let's say Fathers Day is a legit event in God's eyes and not just a scheme of businessmen to jack up their profits. How would God want Fathers Day to be? What kind of fathers are true church fathers? First John 2 says it all. True church fathers are those who are spiritual and raise up strong spiritual sons and daughters. They are not just biological. Most "fathers" in church are merely biological--they're called fathers because they're able to impregnate their wives and have children. And some of them are "fathers" because they provide well for their families. These are all good and apt, but this is not what God

See God Now!

There's a future time of seeing God. But nonetheless, we should see God now--or we won't see him at all in the future. Whether we see him then depends on whether we see him now. It's something like the sowing principle. What small thing you have now ascertains what you will have and reap in the future. It's not a desire to "want to see God someday;" It's seeing him now. God should be so real in your life right now. He is not just a future or past God--he is very much a present God. A "now" God. In him we move, and talk, and perceive, and understand, and have our being.  The disciples asked Jesus: "Show us the Father." They thought God was still to be seen . To see God now is very important--or you miss all the glory moments. So Jesus answered something like, "You mean, you've been seeing me and yet you still ask to see God?" Sometimes, it's possible to see and yet not see. You drown in all the busy activiti

Spoken Word is Spirit and Life

The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit, and they are life. - Jn.6.63 I cannot over-emphasize the extreme importance of the spoken Word. Jesus says anything outside the spoken Word is flesh, and they count for nothing. Zero. Pfft. Spoken Word is Spirit and Life. What God speaks from his mouth to us comes from his heart. It should go down and take root in our hearts, so when we speak from the heart, that same spoken Word issues from it and gives life to the dead--like what Ezekiel saw in the vision of the valley of bones.  Spoken Word is the breath of life. It is the breath that gave life to Adam in all perfection. It is the breath of spoken Word that created the earth and the universe, and now sustains them. It is all-powerful! God gives it to us freely! But we must never take it for granted. Word Becoming Flesh Giving flesh to the spoken Word (obeying and living it) is what matters. All others are garbage--chur

I Don’t Go To Church Anymore

Sometimes it’s shocking for some people to hear that I don’t go to church anymore. It’s unthinkable. It’s heretic. It’s mortal sin. Most people know me to be spiritual. I’d been an exemplary elder in church before—and was leader of its young people in my younger years. No wonder they frown at the idea. Well, it’s been an empowering experience really—that I don’t go to church anymore. Now, by “church” I mean the church that man has established through centuries and now is nothing but man’s ways, programs, activities, gimmicks, theology, and denominations. I don’t mean the genuine, spiritual church Jesus Christ is building. When talking of Christ’s spiritual church, the one he said he’d build in Matthew 16 when he was talking to Peter, the one that the gates of hell can never prevail against, then yup, I enjoy going to church. But when talking of man’s denominational church, no, I don’t go to church anymore. One reason is that man’s church has utterly lost connection with th

Accurate Kingdom Building: The Bronze Basin and Altar and The Courtyard

When you stepped out of the tabernacle tent you saw the bronze altar and bronze basin in its courtyard. The bronze basin was placed between the temple and the bronze altar. The courtyard was covered with a perimeter fence made of wood frames where curtains were affixed. The bases of these frames were also of bronze, and the fence's height was 7 and half feet. Courtyard Happenings were Special What happened in the courtyard was for a select few to witness. The fence was taller than the average Israelite to make sure that none in the crowd outside saw what happened in the courtyard.  The priests offered the people's offerings at the bronze altar. They would wash themselves at the bronze basin before they did anything at the altar. Holiness was vital to avoid being killed by God's wrath. Whole burnt offerings were offered at the bronze altar--often numbering countless slaughtered animals which were without defect. Only perfect offerings were allowed.

Accurate Kingdom Building: The Tabernacle

. ..fasten the curtains together so that the tabernacle is a unit. (Exo.26) The Ark, Table, Lampstand, and Altar were housed in the tabernacle. Here we see what God wants for our bodies, and the Body of Christ. All the priesthood did was to keep the tabernacle (and later the temple) kept according to God's detailed instructions, the rhema Word. This is a vital concept in evangelism, discipleship, and fathering. As long as the mind of Christ (Ark), the fresh Word of his presence (Bread), the very Life of Jesus (Lampstand), and easy access to the Throne (Altar) reign in your body and life, God is pleased. This is the only thing that matters--God reigning. The rest--denominational church programs and activities and church planning or planting and ego-feeding titles, degrees, and  church positions--is garbage and serves only to please men. 5 Main Concerns There were 5 main concerns in building the tabernacle:  1. The tabernacle itself 2. The tent over it 3. The f

Accurate Kingdom Building: The Lampstand and Altar

Image that they light the space.. (Exo.25.37) In the Tabernacle Moses built, only the Ark was in the Holy of Holies. In Solomon's temple, two giant standing cherubim of Olive wood, an altar incense, and an overhead chain embellishment--all wrapped in pure gold--accompanied the Ark in the inner room or Holy of Holies. God's move was from glory to glory. It kept progressing and increasing. It never stayed the same. Today the true temple of God is completely different. These are all vital to have God's flesh. Outside the Curtain The Holy of Holies was entered through a thick curtain (shielding curtain). Outside were the gold table, 7 gold lamps, and the gold incense altar. Further out, in the court, were the bronze sea and altars. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy of Holies is the head, where the mind of Christ should be seated, because Jesus is the Head of the church, the body, your body, our bodies collectively.  In t