
Rejected Authority at Work

How does a God-rejected authority still work today? Can it still work? Can it still be successful? You're in for a big surprise--churches or ministries can still work and be successful even if they are already rejected by God! Success in people's eyes is not a measure of true success. Jesus' ministry looked doomed by every human standard--he was executed, was deserted by his disciples, scorned by the crowds, scorned by spiritual and bible-based leaders of his time, thought insane by his own family, and ended up dead. Later, all his disciples were executed, and the Acts church was wiped out, replaced by a Babylon church. Yet, in God's eyes, there was no man more successful than Jesus. Saul had been rejected by God. Samuel said, "You acted your kingdom will not endure. If you had obeyed, God would've established your kingship forever!" (1 Sam.13).  Did Saul's kingship collapse there and then? It didn't. In fact, they had lots...

Genuine Born Again (Part 2)

A genuine born again church always points people to Jesus. You want to grow strong in your spiritual life? Be deep in Jesus and His Word—be God’s flesh on earth. Church activities and programs are zero, pffft! Any achievements you have with your church programs or denomination is garbage. It’s always the Word, Word, Word! The Holy Spirit does not show up without the Word, particularly the rhema Word.  Church (especially going to a church building on Sundays) as it is done today, is never a LIFE source. Again, it is nothing but trash. You cannot say church fellowship, as done today, will make you stronger and better Christians. More entertained perhaps. Or more showbiz-like. What they say about not attending church regularly makes you weak spiritually is a big LIE! Among the weakest of weak and immature Christians I've seen are faithful church goers. And sometimes, even their pastors, too. Getting inside that building they call church won't make you strong spiritually. ...

Genuine Born Again (Part 1)

What really is a genuine born again Christian? Most “born again” Christians are mass produced, a result of commercialized evangelism and church recruitment systems. Churches aim at being full-packed with members, or being the biggest church, or being instant mega churches, and hasten Gospel sharing using instant evangelism formulas that oversimplify salvation. A quick-fix or some sort of salvation for idiots book. Just ask forgiveness and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and wham! You’re a Christian! Then join the church and be active. It’s been producing rotten churches that sprout everywhere, at every corner, and even big showy cathedrals (but often snobbing each other). You see them in stiff competition side by side on the same street or area, each bringing a different version of the Gospel but using the same Name, Jesus Christ. Today, you see showbiz folks whose marriages fail, families disintegrate (but glamorized on TV), and showbiz sexy female stars who wear dress...

What's Neuroplasticity?

What is Neuroplasticity? What has it to do with being God’s flesh? Is it about having a plastic mind ? Umm…yeah, somewhat. And it has lots to do with a powerful faith. Neuroplasticity is the brain cells’ potential to grow and ramify, increasing the brain’s power and capacity and actually making it grow in size. Formerly, brain scientists believed the brain stopped growing during adulthood. They added that the brain deteriorated progressively at age past 50. However, a recent study on Neuroplasticity shows that the brain can actually increase in size and power, and God’s Flesh believes this can go even to the extent of literally commanding the body to perform astounding feats—like heal itself, repair injuries or defects in and on the body, and do incredible superhuman exploits. And in an extreme sense, (God’s Flesh loves being extreme!) even affect or control things outside the body—like command mountains to be thrown to the sea! Sounds cultic, huh? The more I love it, then! Well, i...

A Nation Without Sense

A nation without sense (Deu.32). God was talking about a nation led by no less than Moses, a man who saw God in person. He really saw the invisible God (Heb.11.17). That's being God's flesh! However, God performed awesome wonders for them all in Egypt, in the desert, and in the Promise Land, and yet they were a nation without sense . Amazing. I wonder what becomes of churches led by pastors and leaders who derive authority from mere men's churches? Unlike Moses who derived power and authority straight from God. Their titles and degrees were given to them by man-made institutions. You derive power from who gave you authority. And men's institutions follow a worldly pattern of education, not God's pattern. Thus, its a church without sense. It cannot be God's flesh on earth. When anything is without sense in God's eyes, it means they have not done things in God's ways. God had been urging the Israelites repeatedly to love God, which  meant ...

True Church Fathers

It's Fathers Day once more. And for sure many churches will base their Sunday worship programs on this occasion, recognizing fathers in their church, and of course, God the Father, to make everything sound spiritually legit. It's all a waste of time and money. How I hope it's really about true church fathers. However, let's say Fathers Day is a legit event in God's eyes and not just a scheme of businessmen to jack up their profits. How would God want Fathers Day to be? What kind of fathers are true church fathers? First John 2 says it all. True church fathers are those who are spiritual and raise up strong spiritual sons and daughters. They are not just biological. Most "fathers" in church are merely biological--they're called fathers because they're able to impregnate their wives and have children. And some of them are "fathers" because they provide well for their families. These are all good and apt, but this is not what God...

See God Now!

There's a future time of seeing God. But nonetheless, we should see God now--or we won't see him at all in the future. Whether we see him then depends on whether we see him now. It's something like the sowing principle. What small thing you have now ascertains what you will have and reap in the future. It's not a desire to "want to see God someday;" It's seeing him now. God should be so real in your life right now. He is not just a future or past God--he is very much a present God. A "now" God. In him we move, and talk, and perceive, and understand, and have our being.  The disciples asked Jesus: "Show us the Father." They thought God was still to be seen . To see God now is very important--or you miss all the glory moments. So Jesus answered something like, "You mean, you've been seeing me and yet you still ask to see God?" Sometimes, it's possible to see and yet not see. You drown in all the busy activiti...