
Micah: Chief Among Mountains

In the last days, Micah says (Chap. 4) The Lord's mountain will be established . The Lord's mountain is the mountain of His presence. The same as with God's Zion and Jerusalem. In the natural, Jerusalem will be more favored than other nations. But more so in the spirit, Zion and Jerusalem--the Lord's mountain presence--will be established. In other words, God's flesh on earth will be in full blast.  "It will be raised above the hills..."  Chief among the mountains. There are other mountains being established. Man's mountains. Here in Manila, men's mountains suddenly pop up---garbage mountains. Denominational mountains, too. Mountains of mundane achievements and accomplishments. Earthly successes. Everyone's on a mountain climbing of some sort these days, trying to make a name for themselves. Even churches.  But the Lord's mountain will be established as the chief mountain. Make sure it's the Lord's mountain you'...

Micah: How Lack of Justice Perverts Truth

God was clear with Micah—when justice is despised truth is distorted. And this is so especially when spiritual leaders and rulers do it. “Listen, leaders and rulers of Israel who despise justice and distort truth,” (Micah 3.9). Justice is declaring right from wrong, good from evil (Micah 3.1-2). This works so powerfully to form God's flesh in us.  God wanted leaders to judge correctly. Instead, they “judge for a bribe,” (Micah 3.11). They picked people who paid them well and gave them favorable judgment. Those who didn’t got “war” from them (3.5b). God’s Justice is His Judgment God’s justice is declaring right from wrong and doing what is right. And this is always done through God‘s anointed servants, like prophets. When God pronounced a judgment, He did it through a prophet. God does not act unless he first tells about it to his servants the prophets (Amos 3.7). In our day it’s pastors, especially prophetic pastors. We have to judge, and judge correctly accor...

Micah: Justice and Judgment

Micah spoke with the leaders and rulers of Israel (Micah 3.1). Some versions render it both “leaders” but leaders and rulers is interesting. Even in churches today, there are leaders and rulers. Church leaders, like pastors, are supposed to lead the church. God-called and God-anointed leaders in the bible led God’s people. God talked to them, not to the people. The people were supposed to obey them to the letter. They were not supposed to question or dictate to them. Whenever people rebelled against God’s leaders God saw it as rebellion against Him. But church leaders today are often mere dummies because there are rulers in church who really call the shots. These are influential and moneyed people who donate and give big tithes and offerings. When they don’t get their way in church they threaten the church leadership with withdrawal of support. And pastors fear them more than they fear God and submit to their every whim. But one day, after they discover the pres...

Micah: Wine and Beer Pastors

They didn’t wanna sound negative. They wanted to cheer up people, cater to their entertainment proclivity. People just wanted happy messages that “blessed” them. Micah was preaching about the coming doom and criticizing religious leaders’ errors and sins and the nation’s disgrace. Among negative things he bombarded them with was how the rulers and leaders of the house of Israel despised and distorted the truth (Micah 3.9). But the wine and beer pastors or prophets cautioned him: “Don’t prophesy about these things. No disgrace will overtake us.” (Micah 2.6). If you wanna hear nothing but praises and positive things and encouragements, chances are, you have an entertainment proclivity or spirit. And you’re perhaps reflecting the kind of church you attend. Many churches today are nothing but entertainment centers. Poor showbiz copy cats. They are not prophetic temple courtyards of God where His Word, Will, Ways, and Warnings (judgments) are powerfully declared.   I...

Micah: God’s People—God’s Enemy

Micah warned God’s people about God’s plan. We often think pleasantly about God’s plan. We claim to desire it so badly. But if we do things contrary to His ways, God’s plan will work against us. In fact, God plans destruction, not LIFE, once we go against His ways. “My Word does good to those whose ways are upright, right?” (Micah 2.7). God’s ways alone in Scripture are upright. All others, like denominationalism, are against His ways. Jesus desires all true believers to be completely united. How complete? As the Father and Son are one (Jn.17). Denominationalism works contrary to this. Their Own Power When God’s people work contrary to His ways, they become God’s enemies. “Lately, my people have risen up like an enemy,” (Micah 2.8) Why? Because they plan evil and carry it out in their own power (Micah 2.1). It happens automatically—you use your own ways, you use your own power. Human effort is zero in the spiritual realms. Everything has to be done in the power of th...

Micah: Baring Foundations

Are you getting comfy about an up and down spiritual life? Think again. When God’s people are disobedient the whole earth is affected. “Hear, everyone who lives on the Earth,” (Micah 1). When bible believers rebel, what can you expect from non believers? The Lord was an angry witness against all earth dwellers. And this was all due to Jacob’s transgression, to Israel’s sin (Micah 1.5). The church being the true Israel of today (Gal.3.7-14), the same principle applies. When the world is in chaos and nature suffers from men’s abuse, the church had better checked its ranks. Sometimes church people denounce government corruption and blame it for God’s ire. Well, they better look at themselves first. Denominationalism, because it runs counter to Jesus’ prayer in John 17 for complete unity, is vile corruption. Sometimes, government reflects the condition the church is in. Baring Foundations In Micah’s time Judah’s spiritual life was fluctuating—going up in Jotham’s ...

Micah: When God Finally Shepherds His People

Micah depicts the glory of God finally shepherding His true people. These are people who willingly “come to” the church (Micah.7.12), drawn by God Himself and not by man’s church gimmicks, programs, or any effort. Jesus said no person can come to him unless the Father draws that person to him (Jn.6.44 and 65). It is not dependent “on man’s desire or effort” (Rom.9) but on God’s mercy alone. Global Desolation God decreed a global desolation, which is already happening. These are the last days. People seek happiness and peace from various sources invented by man. This is reflected on how they make movies. They imagine salvation through their technology, and eternal life and power from the occult (like Twilight and similar movies). They revive myths and glamorize them (like Lightning Thief) to depict godly power. And why not? The “Christian” church built by men for centuries has been failing to show them real Godly awesome power—like what we read in the bible. God will m...